August 17, 50 AC Sermon #1 RAHOWA, my White Brothers and Sisters! I want to thank everyone for their written and vocal support of myself and of the Holy Cause all of us are persecuted for. Our Religion is not an easy one to follow. We see harassment and intolerance from all sides of the sheeple society. Even some of our own like minded brethren have a negative view of us. But it is that very negativity that sharpens our resolve. It is that very hate we receive which gives us strength. It is the solitude many of us, The Blessed, live with that makes our Faith so much stronger than the tools of our enemies. For it is within our solitude, within our persecution, within our torments that we grow.
Our religion requires much sacrifice from us. It is not a path all can travel. Remember the words of that poem; Two roads diverged in the woods, and I, I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference. Creativity Is a road that offers only the salvation of our species, not of some unknowable 'soul'. We seek the kingdom of reality, not of fairy tales. We are Warriors for our Race, not warriors for myths. And because we are made Holy and Strong without fairy tales and myths we are hated by society. For the infidel world fears that which it does not understand.
And how could they understand our Religion, our Culture? They know nothing of true sacrifice. The lies and myths they live by give them safety and comfort. While we, The Blessed Creators of culture and civilization, WE live the harsh realities of this too often cruel world. Of course, even a cruel world can have moments of sanity and beauty and love.... And what is Creativity if not love and beauty and sanity? For don't we see the beauty of Nature and Her wondrous world about us?! Are we, The Blessed, not sane in an insane world?! And is not our religion a religion that loves life and our People?!
If we have to, on occasion, suffer for that beauty and love, then so be it. I may be locked up in a vile dungeon, a victim of kidnapping at the hands of vile people. But at least I can see the Universe and Mother Nature for all She has to offer. At least I know what true love feels like. At least I am an island of sanity in a world sea of madness. At least I, as with you all, am a Creator. And THAT we ALL share together as ONE Family.
Rev. Hardy Lloyd
Our religion requires much sacrifice from us. It is not a path all can travel. Remember the words of that poem; Two roads diverged in the woods, and I, I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference. Creativity Is a road that offers only the salvation of our species, not of some unknowable 'soul'. We seek the kingdom of reality, not of fairy tales. We are Warriors for our Race, not warriors for myths. And because we are made Holy and Strong without fairy tales and myths we are hated by society. For the infidel world fears that which it does not understand.
And how could they understand our Religion, our Culture? They know nothing of true sacrifice. The lies and myths they live by give them safety and comfort. While we, The Blessed Creators of culture and civilization, WE live the harsh realities of this too often cruel world. Of course, even a cruel world can have moments of sanity and beauty and love.... And what is Creativity if not love and beauty and sanity? For don't we see the beauty of Nature and Her wondrous world about us?! Are we, The Blessed, not sane in an insane world?! And is not our religion a religion that loves life and our People?!
If we have to, on occasion, suffer for that beauty and love, then so be it. I may be locked up in a vile dungeon, a victim of kidnapping at the hands of vile people. But at least I can see the Universe and Mother Nature for all She has to offer. At least I know what true love feels like. At least I am an island of sanity in a world sea of madness. At least I, as with you all, am a Creator. And THAT we ALL share together as ONE Family.
Rev. Hardy Lloyd
United in love, united in faith, united in laughter, united in single purpose. A purpose with many aims. One being that of creating a world with joy. While our enemies seek to plunge this Earth into hatred and communist despair, we seek to resurrect the glory and gaiety of Ancient Rome. Not as it was with its flaws as well as its heights, but instead learning from those flaws, and the ills of the last 2000 years, and CREATING something much, much better.
Yes, while we do seek to live with a smile upon our faces, we also seek to improve from past blunders. We are a species who LEARNS as well as CREATES. For how can we CREATE that which surpasses the glories of the past if we do not, yea, even worse, if we refuse to LEARN from our mistakes? As children, do we not fall and crawl before we run? Well, this vile, cruel world we find ourselves in now is the crawling before the running. And just as we LEARN from childhood, so to does our Race LEARN from its ages of pain, suffering and darkness. And learning we are, my White Brothers and Sisters. Learning as no child ever had to learn before. Growing pains of such magnitude that at times they bogle the mind!! And yet we learn. Learn, as my Dad would say, the hard way. Yet learning the hard way is sometimes best, for it forces the consequences of our failures to stick in the mind as no textbook ever could teach us.
Some would say that these harsh lessons are too much, or perhaps unnecessary? But the sweet is never as sweet without the sour. And what child, nay, what species ever learned and evolved without having outrageous fortune thrust upon it? For in fire is the steel sword made stronger. The fire burns the impurities away, like a spring sun upon the deathly snows of winter. So I say, LEARN from these harsh times and these cruel years. Use the hatred of the enemy to harden your swords. Use the madness of the infidels to teach your children right from wrong. USE THE ENEMY TO MAKE YOU, TO MAKE US, STRONGER THAN WE HAVE EVER BEEN BEFORE!! Harden your swords, my White Brothers and Sisters, with the FIRE we find all around us. Harden your swords of Faith in Creativity's steel. For in these fires of today we, not our enemies, but WE shall find the joy to live, the humor to survive, the flames to strengthen, and knowledge to correct... And these things, plus our unwavering dedication to our Holy religion of Creativity, shall enable us to win this Racial Holy War!!
Rev. Hardy Lloyd
Message To Creators And Supporters : 20th August, 50 AC
RAHOWA, my White Brothers and Sisters! I know my kidnapping might make a few of you believe that we should leave evil in its place and go about our lives ignoring the vile sewage that grows with each passing day. That even when you are 100% legal, as I am, these scum will still fuck with you. That goodness must wait. Not just 'should' wait, but 'must' wait in the shadows. Yet I am here, speaking to you from a JOG GULAG, torn from my beloved Flurry, who also sits in a cage, taken from all I love and that is mine, and I say NEVER!! Never should we just sit back and allow evil and corruption to run rampant.
Good has a DUTY, a HOLY DUTY to rise up and stop evil from growing. Even when it costs us so dearly. I may be another victim of a corrupt and evil cartel of criminals, but I still hold my head high. Unbowed to the masters of oppression and greed and slavery. For every persecution proves the justness of our Holy Cause. Every day I sit a kidnapped POW proves our values ARE right. And every letter of support YOU send to me shows these anti-White bigoted bastards that FREEDOM and JUSTICE will one day conquer their tyranny.
Rev. Hardy Lloyd
August 27, 50 AC Sermon #3 - WE ARE ONE FAMILY IN PAIN AND JOY
RAHOWA, my White Brothers and Sisters! This is both a great time and a sad time for us. Our Holy religion continues to grow at an increasing rate. Yet good Creators such as myself sit in a cage for speaking our minds. Why, the depravity of our enemies is so hateful they even lock up our pets!! Yet we persevere. We persevere because our religion is a grounded religion. It binds us to reality and logic and common sense. And this basic, plain, Earth bound logic is where our strength comes from. For in this, in all our joys and sufferings, we know we are rooted in the good of the Universe. We are fixed as one body to our Mother Race, born from Mother Nature herself!!
This common bond of Blood and Soil, of Earth and Sky, connects us all as one. One in joy, one in sorrow, one in passions, one in work. We are ONE PEOPLE with ONE CREED. And in this racial bond Nature has bestowed upon us we will, no matter the struggles, be forever as one in all the emotions we carry with us. For in the sadness of jailed Brothers and Sisters to the happiness of a baby's birthday we share it all together. And for this Holy religious bond we all share together as Creators, I suffer these pains with a smile. For I know we are right. I know in my heart we are one. And so I smile as I suffer. Roman salutes to all of you, my family of fellow sufferer's and smiler's. Come, let us be ONE FAMILY together. And in that togetherness we shall win this Racial Holy War.
Rev. Hardy Lloyd
September 5, 50 AC Sermon #4 - FOCUSING ON THE POSITIVE
Greetings my White Brothers And Sisters! Today I want to talk to you about a question I have gotten asked much since my kidnapping. "I bet this makes you mad. You must be angry 24\7 over this latest persecution?". Well, of course I am mad at being persecuted in a country that claims to be a "melting pot" of diverse cultures. Our culture need not apply, I suppose. But, well, no, I am not angry with rage 24\7. Why? Because Creativity is a religion that focuses mainly on the positives in life.
Harken unto the Holy Words of our Founder and, yay, our Prophet, Ben Klassen from the finale chapter of Nature's Eternal Religion, Our Brilliant Future. For in his wisdom did he predict the world to come out of our suffering. A world of glory and happiness born from the trials of today. A world of the positive, where anything and everything is possible. So long as we fight for it now! And, yes, I did say Ben Klassen the Holy Prophet. Why? Because has not everything he has said would come to pass come to pass? Who but a wise man, far beyond his years, who learned from our people's past. Who, but HE knew what would come to be today in all its ugly sin. And since he knew these terrible things of today would one day be "normal", so too is his prediction that by our hard work and toil today shall OUR BRILLIANT FUTURE become the reality of tomorrow's cleansed word. Our suffering and sacrifice today shall usher forth his prophecy of glory tomorrow!!
And so, NO, I am NOT filled with hate and seething anger 24\7. I repeat the Sacred daily ritual of our Fundamental Beliefs five times a day, and I also meditate on the Holy Words of our Founder. Knowing that I share in Ben Klassen's Teachings a shared link with all of you. This connection is all any of us need to be whole in this world of cruel hypocrisy. And so I am not filled with daily dread. Instead I carry on with our Holy Creed!! Heeding the call of our Founder's promise of a better world to come. And what would living off hate 24\7 accomplish? For is it not the sinful enemy who seeks for our daily sadness? Is it not the vile anti-White bigots who demand we sit in gloom each day? Why should we acquiesce to their wishes? Would that not be the same as surrendering to the hangman? One cannot live on hate alone, now can they? No, for life is filled with BOTH love AND hate. Twin sides to the same coin, as Klassen teaches us. Creativity is a religion that embraces ALL ASPECTS OF LIFE!
We can no more hate all day long than love the snake who bites our child. We must balance our emotions. Nature, in Her divine wisdom, placed BOTH within us so that we could love in times of pain, and hate in times of laughter. For in balance do we live in tune with the Cosmos. And so I do not sit in this dungeon and "hate" everything and everyone. I sit here and I ask myself how I can best serve the religion I have sworn an oath to uphold? How can I continue to be a beacon of light for the Blessed to follow and seek their way in times of darkness? The answer is simple, my Brothers and Sisters. I can show the faithful that no matter how dark this cruel world can get, Creativity remains the Light.
Why? Because Creativity is a religion of the positive, not wholly the negative. A balance of the two. Just as our Faith balances out the different but equal need to have BOTH men and women in the family unit. Or the balance of a Working-Class people who also expand their minds and not just their muscles. Or the balance of logic with emotions, that sometimes conflict with one another. We balance our hate with love, and our love with hate. Never shall just one aspect of our people be embraced, my Brothers and Sisters. Always embrace both sides of each coin equally. Oh, there will come those rare occasions which call for utter abandon of one side or the other. In pitch battle, or defending child, hearth and kin from an enemy. Klassen also teaches us that there will be times when the flame of emotion must overcome and consume logic in order to survive. But sitting in a cage the victim of a bigoted society, kidnapped by close minded racist agents of that society, is NOT the time nor the place for one's emotions to run wild.
Instead, let us be positive and productive. Let us fight the sinful enemy with the tools that make our people superior to their weapon of HATE. Let us utilize our LOVE and POSITIVITY as sword and shield. Form the legions of Holy Warriors and march onward with Love in you're hearts for our Religion, and equal parts iron determination in your fists. Balance and Faith are the key, my Brothers and Sisters.
And so when I am asked if I am angry at what evil has befallen me I answer thusly: I am angry that in a nation which claims to believe in diversity and religious freedom I am forced to sit in a jail cell because bigots with badges HATE my LOVE for my Faith. Yet I am also POSITIVE because I know my religion teaches me to live life as Nature wants me to live. I am angry at my haters, yet full of love because my people are with me. And with you all as one religious nation of true believers, The Blessed, living in accordance with Ben Klassen's Holy Teachings of Positivity, Determination, Family, Steadfastness, Faith and Community, as well as balancing both hate and love as need be, I know we, as one family of Creators, will win this Racial Holy War.
Rev. Hardy Lloyd
September 19, 50 AC Sermon #5 - THE ENDLESS ATTACKS WE FACE
Greetings my White Brothers and Sisters! In honor of Martyr's Day I wish to speak to you on something all Creators can attest to. Whether Holy Martyr such as Kozel or Smith, or perhaps the victim of every day bigotry, or as with POWs like myself, we all can testify to being the only true victims of endless persecution and attack. Some of these attacks take lives, as with Holy Martyr Brian Kozel. Others are endless harassments by criminal cartels and paramilitary thugs, such as the racist FBI in my case. Or simple acts of close minded bigotry in job hirings and rental applications.
Yet no matter the attack, we Creators stand in strong unity under the constant barrage of hate and slander. We stand tall as one Faith. We continue to march forward to the sound of the cannonade. For our Holy Religion of Creativity is our guiding force, and our Holy Race of Mother Europa our strength. In our Holy Creed and Program lies our armor, our ammunition, our will to overcome great odds.
I just learned that the bigoted and hate filled paramilitary cartel, known as the FBI, stole every Holy item I had when they broke into my flat and kidnapped me. Even though the U.S. Constitution supposedly protects such racist attacks by the state from happening under the so-called "Bill Of Rights", I am a true example of the tyranny of the Amerikan Communist Police State. A tyranny too many of us know all too well. But our Glorious Religion cannot be stopped by a small group of petty, criminal, malcontents. NO!! We are more than a few dozen books, or a box of patches and pins. We are the Blessed. We are the Holy Warriors. We are the Holy Son's and Daughter's of Mother Nature. Chosen by the Universe to show the TRUE PATH to salvation. And by the Holy Teachings of our Great Founder, Ben Klassen, we shall, come what may, follow the ONLY TRUE PATH which lies before us!!
For Creativity is a Religion of the heart and soul of every one of Europa's chosen People. It lies within our breast, waiting to grow into something truly special. And no lack of paper books or cloth flags shall EVER change that!! For we are a People, a Holy People, greater than all the hatred and vile contempt that the infidels hurl at us day in and day out. For with every vicious attack we get stronger. Our beliefs strengthen. Our Cause grows more just. And our religion grows stronger. For Creativity was created to weather any storm. We thrive on the hatred of our enemies. Our followers grow day by day. Nurtured by the fertilizer called ANTI-WHITE BIGOTRY, and watered with the rain of RESISTANCE.
Yes, Creativity shall once more weather this storm. These endless attacks do not surprise us. And they are not to be feared, either. We believe in our Holy Religion because we know it to be right. We are not "Fair Weather Adherents". NO!! We are Creators. And as Creators we know that with hardship and toil shall also come the promised BRILLIANT FUTURE our Holy Founder and Prophet, Ben Klassen foretold in Nature's Eternal Religion. For no reward is won without sacrifice. First place does not come to the runner up. We have to give and sweat and bleed for victory, my Brothers and Sisters. We must face these endless attacks with pride and resolve. We must continue to march toward the sound of the muskets. We were chosen by Mother Nature herself, forged by evolution in an age of ice, to win. For our Crusade is the struggle for the survival of Nature's Finest species. Never forget that.
So remember our Holy Martyrs this month. Know that you stand shoulder to shoulder with them in both Faith and remembrance. Let future generations not just remember their sacrifices, but yours as well. For in remembering them we honor them. And in honoring them we live their legacy. And within that legacy, mixed with your own, is our strength and Faith. And so I face my own attack with determination. Knowing full well it is due to the close minded prejudices of a small, hateful people. And yet I stand tall. Why? Because as our Holy Founder prophesized of in all he wrote, I KNOW we shall win this Racial Holy War under ANY attack from ANY foe!!
Rev. Hardy Lloyd
September 26, 50 AC - A SEASONAL MESSAGE
Autumnal Nights Are Just A New Day Beginning
Greetings to all Creators and White Racial Loyalists alike. Before I write my next sermon
know that it's that time of the year when the joys and fun of Summer give way to the
bleakness of Autumn. However, just like my own situation, Autumn can be a cold and
darkening time, yet also filled with wonders and joy. The joy of family. The warmth of a
log fire. The happiness we find in sharing our Holy Faith with like minded Folk. And the
love we read about in our Founders Holy Teachings.
Ben Klassen taught us that no matter the coldness of weather or society, no matter the
sadness we inherit from darker nights or cruelest persecutions, that we, the Blessed of
the White Race, we still find our eternal Summer within our Holy Religion of Creativity.
So remember that as the days get shorter, the nights longer and colder, and this insane
society crueler, just smile and repeat after me: It's always darkest before the dawn. And
night is never the end, but just the beginning of a brand new day.
Rev. Hardy Lloyd
RAHOWA my White Brothers and Sisters! People keep asking me how I can stay so
bloody positive in the face of overwhelming odds? How do you find the energy to
weather a lifetime of persecutions? You fall, yet some how find the strength to arise
again and again no matter what the infidels throw at you. HOW?!?
And I always respond with the same two answers. One, my own internal pillar of
rock. The stubbornness of a man who will NOT BE BULLIED by haters. And trust me,
every stone thrown at this man turns into fuel everlasting!! And the other reason,
the foundation of my Faith. Creativity is the soil that surrounds the pillar of stone
that shall never break!! For Creativity is a mighty Creed given to us by the greatest
man to EVER LIVE, Ben Klassen. A man against time, as Sevitri Devi would say.
There is of course a third reason I stand tall against the anti-White bigots and
prejudicial infidels. And that is our goal as Creators to crush all bullies who seek to
impose their tyranny upon us. For we should never allow a bully to win, whatever
the cost. And what is the aim of these racist bullies? These criminal gangs of thugs
with names like FBI and ATF and Crip and Blood? Their aim is as it always has been;
to bully and terrorize those they see as weaker than themselves. But are we Creators
that is the real reason they hate us, my Brothers and Sisters. They HATE what they
do not understand. They HATE that which they fear. They HATE that which is
righteous and just and pure.... And in the end they HATE us for being the people
they could never be.
They hate the image they see in the mirror. And so they persecute us. And in return
we weather the storms and grow stronger off their self-loathing. Creativity is a
religion of the positive. But even positivity can feed off the fertilizer of hate. We are
strong because of our Creed. Yet that strength grows with each attack. And so when
the dust settles it is we Creators who shall be the inheritors of the Earth. For the
world hates and fears us, and thus fuels our ever growing nation of The Blessed. The
bullies of the world think that every terrorist "arrest", or every assassination of our
people will somehow spook us into cowering behind closed doors. But I ask you, my
Brothers and Sisters, do we believe in being spooked by spook worshippers? NO!!
For we are a religion of logic and science. We are builders and creators and artists.
We bow to no imaginary spooks, nor shall we bow to vile spook worshippers,
either!! We are The BLESSED of Mother Europa. We are the children of our Mother
Nature. Born out of her union with Father Cosmos. The Universe in all its logical
being. A race bathed in all the Universe's laws. Not from any mythical "god"
or supernatural realm. But because it was destined to be by the fate of a million
billion tries.
Some ask how I can be so strong in a Faith without the faith of supernatural help or
reward? The answer to that, my Brothers and Sisters, is simple. It is that very
absence of a "higher power" that makes my Faith and Belief so strong. I BELIEVE in
CREATIVITY because I KNOW it is true. And intense belief in a religion without a
mythical "savior" promising everlasting life, or some bearded "prophet" threatening
everlasting damnation, is a belief in doing what is moral and right no matter the
cost, no matter the pain, no matter the reward, for the sole sake of doing what is
moral and right!!
And so I sit in one of the worst jails in Amerika with a smile on my face, waiting and
waiting and waiting to get on with my life. For I know that in the end OUR
BRILLIANT FUTURE is that very logical and very real reward that MY RELIGION OF
THE HERE AND NOW offers me. And so I sit here and smile.
Stay strong, my fellow Creators. For we shall win this Racial Holy War!! And
remember that no matter how harsh this cruel world gets, that our Creed, a religion
of cold logic and positive realism, shall see us through the darkest of times. For
Creativity is the soil of this Earth, and it strengthens the pillar of stone within you all.
Rev. Hardy Lloyd, PM
October 12, 50 AC Sermon #7 - NO DIVIDED LOYALTIES
RAHOWA, my White Brothers and Sisters! Before I begin, I first want to reiterate my
personal life long support of the oppressed Palestinian people, as well as their holy
warriors: Hamas and Hezbollah. The Church Of Ben Klassen supports all who seek to
throw off the yoke of jewish supremacism regardless of their race, ethnicity and/or
nationality. And while we seek to replace monotheist-insanity within our own race,
especially christ-insanity, we also believe in racial separation, and thus support the
Mohammedan claims to Palestine and the greater Middle East. Their war of
liberation is similar to our own. We seek to free the White lands of both Europe and
North America from the racist jewish overlords.
Having stated that, I want to reiterate that our Holy Religion of CREATIVITY is the
ONLY guide we follow in this life. PERIOD!! The 16 Commandments clearly state that
our ONLY LOYALTY is to our Divine White Race. Our ONLY NATIONALISM is to the
White Empire of CREATIVITY!! We bow to NO FLAG but our own!! We recognize NO
ORDER but our own!! As that great White Warrior and Martyr, Michael Collins, said
in 1922; "We bow to no government but our own. We defeat the British Empire by
ignoring it." And that is how we CREATORS must live and fight. No divided loyalties
by living as though our Holy Nation of CREATIVITY is a fact. Because it IS A FACT, my
Brothers and Sisters!!
In our Holy Religion we believe our Religion is our Race, is our Nation, is our People,
is our Faith, is our Culture, is our Flag, is our Politics, is our Philosophy, is our
Spirituality....CREATIVITY IS OUR ALL!! We do not divide our beliefs, nor our people,
by politics and ideology for this and that. One way of thinking for philosophy, one
for government, one for society, one for religion, one for economics, and so forth.
For in our Holy Creed of CREATIVITY is the sum total of our identity. We are not
right-wing jew sniffers, nor left-wing communists, nor Americans, nor Brits, nor
Pagans, nor christ-insaners.... WE ARE CREATORS!! We are the BLESSED of the
European Motherland. Mother Nature's CHOSEN people. Chosen to rule this World
and be a beacon of light in a sea of darkening madness. Chosen by Father Time and
Mother Earth, as our Ancient Greek Ancestors would state it. Chosen to be the
GOLDEN RACE, whose purpose is to lead this one and only world to higher and
higher states of evolution. And this shall only come to pass, my Brothers and Sisters,
through the Holy Faith of CREATIVITY. Given to us by the greatest man to have ever
lived, Ben Klassen!! We shall only find our strength in unity, and that unity only in
our Holy Creed. For CREATIVITY is our Race.
For the White Race shall only find her Strength in Unity, and that Racial Unity in
Holy Faith. And only CREATIVITY can give us that Holy Faith and its promise of a
Race United. Not politics, nor economic hopes and dreams, nor even from a social
movement of like minded folk. Only the militant Religion of Mother Nature herself
can deliver a people with a Creed that encapsulates the WHOLE OF LIFE. So throw
off the distractions of politics and "national pride" and which shabbos goy to vote
for. Instead look to your true nation of CREATIVITY in the pages of the Holy Book
NATURE'S ETERNAL RELIGION. Seek out salvation from the WHITE MAN'S BIBLE, not
some jewish zombie with holes in his hands and a hippie hairdo. Find pride in the
only TRUE flag of the White Race. Here's a hint; It's got a big black W in its center.
Remember, my Brothers and Sisters, that the jews WANT US TO BE DISTRACTED by
U.S. politics and Mid-East turmoils. They are the masters of committing atrocities,
and then blaming others for their own actions. Ben Klassen teaches us this time and
again in the Holy Books. All these rockets and air strikes and Trump this or Biden
that are all just illusions. Slight of hand to keep Whites off balance. Like some
football match. Totally irrelevant to living life. And what shall stop these semite
supremacists hell bent on world domination and White Genocide? It won't be
Christian-Identity, nor will it be Odinism. Only one Creed sees past all the lies and
distractions and propaganda. And that Creed is CREATIVITY!! For only CREATIVITY
wraps all aspects of one's life into one belief system unencumbered by multiple
trains of thought.
The infidel loves his distractions as so many sports teams to root for. Yet the
CREATOR mind is laser focused. Honed through 200,000 years of harsh Ice Age
evolution. We do not divide ourselves into a myriad of concepts. No blinding
plethora of ideologies. Just the plain, black and white English of the 16
Commandments to guide us through a blizzard of static and noise.... Yes, we
CREATORS are truly the BLESSED, truly the chosen people. For we have but one aim
with zero distractions; The salvation and expansion of our Lovely and Holy White
Race. And together, through the unity we gain from our Holy Religion of
CREATIVITY, we shall find both our strength and our true path in this one life. The
path of total WHITE VICTORY!!
Rev. Hardy Lloyd, PM
RAHOWA, my White Brothers and Sisters! Last week I spoke to you about the need
to drop the distractions of politics and nationalism. To ignore the FAKE right\left
"divide." Right-Wing and Left-Wing, are two sides of the same jewish coin. A coin
where both sides are but pawns in an endless game of distraction. Much like a
football match. Except the opposition is always controlled.
This week, I want to speak to you about another form of divided loyalty. That of the
White Pride, or White Power Movement. A movement that in the 80s and 90s, when
I got started, was about White Unity and fighting back against ALL ENEMIES of our
Glorious and Holy White Race. But since 2009 has gone downhill. A movement
made up largely, and in ever increasing percentages, of LARPers and pretenders and
quasi-White Power folks who seem to have slid back into a 1960s, or worse, a 1930s
mentality. Well, this ain't no 1930s. We have no nation-state to look up to in today's
darkening and maddening world of insanity. We have no Rockwell nor a Hitler to
lead us. We have but only one Creed to save us, and that Creed is CREATIVITY!! Yet,
many proud Whites seem to have rolled back the clock. Amerikan nationalism is
rampant in circles that claim to be about racial loyalty. And to those out there that,
for some crazy reason, still see former White countries as being "White Lands",
WAKE UP AND SMELL THE REALITY!! You follow a divided loyalty. For only RACE
deserves our loyalty.
But it's not just these racial right-wing faggots that are following a divided loyalty,
my Brothers and Sisters. No, it's also those who think White Racial Loyalty stopped
progressing in 1945. Or worse still, 1000. Nazism may be a wonderful ideology for
the 99% White nation of Germany in 1933. But it was NEVER MEANT TO BE A
UNIVERSAL, PAN WHITE CREED!! Hitler himself always stated that National
Socialism was NOT FOR EXPORT. It is a great idea, and the Third Reich was a great
state. But the White Race is not just one nationality nor one sole ethnicity. We are a
species!! And only CREATIVITY encapsulates the total White Folk. Only CREATIVITY
has a Creed that is based on the Laws of Mother Nature. The very laws that govern
Adolf Hitler was a man of his times. He was great and brilliant and worthy, back
then, of loyalty. But he was shortsighted. He saw our race through glasses that
could only see into the past 500 years, or perhaps the last 5000 years. He saw to
Germany's needs first, a united Europa second, and the White Race third. That is
ass backwards, my White Brothers and Sisters. For the species ALWAYS COME
FIRST!! Hell, Hitler wasn't even very interested in uniting Europe with Eastern
Europe. He may have seen Slavs as fellow Europeans, but only in basic terms. And
let's not forget that Himmler's SS, noble for the most part, went on a total kill fest in
the East. In spite of Hitler ordering the SS and Party to look to the enslaved Russian
people as fellow Aryan victims of the jews. No, Nazism is NOT the one and only
creed for our White Volk. That distinction goes to CREATIVITY; the Holy Faith Ben
Klassen founded in 1973, some 28 years later!!
And there is that other group. The Odinists, who seek to alienate 75% of the entire
White Race with a creed that wants to impose one White ethnicity's Dark Age
religion upon all White Peoples. What is this, ComicCon?!? Are we LARPing Stargate
SG-1, here?!? Say what you want about us CREATORS and our love and admiration
of Ancient Rome. But at least we aren't seeking to impose Jupiter worship and togas
on the masses. Look, I understand the desire of Whites to embrace our people's
past histories and true cultures. Especially with all the christ-insanity and Jesus the
zombie screwballs out there. But most Odinists reject martyrdom, which is a key
component of the Viking and Germanic tribal beliefs. Hey, at least we CREATORS
have Brothers Kozel, Smith, Hale, myself and a few others who martyred themselves
through either death or imprisonment. Outside of David Lane, I can't think of too
many others?!
Look, I respect Lane very much. I think Wotanism is a vast improvement over
Odinism. And as an admirer of Miguel Serrano, I was pleased to see some crossover
between Serrano, Lane, The 55 Club, U.S. WRLs with South Amerikan WRLs, and of
course, Julius Evola. But Nordicism is still a sin!! For we either embrace ALL OUR
WHITE PEOPLE, or else we parish from the Earth. Also, Odinism is a half-assed creed
anyway. I have read various books by modern day Odinists, 19th Century Odinists,
SS members and original texts. Hell, I even wrote the WOTANIST BIBLE!! Yeah, I'm
that Reverend Lloyd. But I always felt it was lacking. I mean, our version of it today is
based on what christ-insaners claim it believed in. That's like being a Nazi based off
of HITLER: THE RISE OF EVIL. Or being a Skinhead based on viewing AMERICAN
Come on, people. We can do better than that. We can find the White Man's TRUE
faith. CREATIVITY IS THAT FAITH!! And don't even get me started on all the wannabe
Odinists in prison. Most are junkies whose concept of Odinism comes from the
JewWood movie THOR. No, I am not making that up! 99% of these award winners
will never join the Cause. And the few who do will join some street gang one step
up from being a carbon copy of the Crips. No true White Racial Loyalist ideology
amongst them, sad to say.
I know I stepped on many toes today. From the right-wing infestation of MAGA
Trumpites and White Pride kosher CONservatives, to LARPing Nazis who cannot
evolve past 1945, to brown-eyed Odinists who refuse to accept the fact that
Odinism is a Nordicist creed that HATES 80% OF OUR OWN RACE!! But I had to. For
I love my race and seek to save it. But there is only one creed, one religion that will
save our ENTIRE White Race. And that is the Holy Faith of CREATIVITY!! And why do
I believe in CREATIVITY above all else so strongly, my Brothers and Sisters? Because
what Ben Klassen started in 1973 was what he also finished. Klassen finished what
Hitler started. Klassen expanded upon what all those who came before him created.
He saw into our race's FULL PAST of 200,000 years, and not just the past 500 or past
He peered into our DNA and saw what Mother Nature had written. He looked
into the Universe and read the Eternal Laws of Nature. Then he took this knowledge,
this insight, and spelled it out in plain black & white English for the whole of our
Folk to read, to study, to ponder, to embrace, and ultimately to follow.
And for those who think I am just attacking ideologies that I personally don't like,
let us look to Ben Klassen's own words for an explanation. The very words that give
me my direction in this cruel, maddening world : "We seek to eventually replace all
other creeds, ideologies and beliefs with CREATIVITY, barring none."
And that is just one of the thousand million reasons why I believe, in my heart and
mind, that CREATIVITY is the ONLY TRUE PATH for our Holy White Race. Because it
embraces ALL WHITE ETHNICITIES, and not just one or two. Because it contains the
SUM TOTAL of White knowledge, and not just a mirroring of one or two eras of
White history. Because, in short, CREATIVITY is our White Race. CREATIVITY is who
we are. It is us, and we are it. It is our DNA. It is the soul of the Cosmos. It simply IS!!
CREATIVITY is who we are, my White Brothers and Sisters. So stay away from
LARPing Nazis in khaki uniforms. Let us move past dreams of 1933 to the cold hard
logic of today. And let us not reject some 80% of our own White Race by latching
on to Dark Age spook worship. Instead, let us embrace the entire European People.
And of course we must always keep clear of zombie worship cultists who want our
Folk to bow down in slavery to a jewish scam. So come with me, my Holy White
Brothers and Sisters, and embrace your true Faith, your true Destiny, your true place
in this Universe. Come and embrace CREATIVITY. For if we as one Race embrace this
one Religion, then we shall truly win this RACIAL HOLY WAR!!
Rev. Hardy Lloyd, PM
RAHOWA, my White Brothers and Sisters! I want to wish all a HAPPY HALLOWEEN this 50 AC. In the Church of Ben Klassen, we celebrate Halloween as the DAY OF REMEMBRANCE, or the DAY OF THE DEAD. On this day we Creators honor and remember our loved ones long gone. Some, like myself, remember our mothers, while others remember ancient ancestors. No matter who or how many, or how far back you remember, the important thing is TO REMEMBER THEM!! This is our eternal life. Remembering our lost ones and telling tales of them to our children and grandchildren. For we Creators have no afterlife except that of our Holy Race and Blood.
Some ask me how we can be so passionate in a Faith that has zero prospect of once more living with our departed loved ones? And I retort that we do have eternal life with our dead family and friends. It's called DNA. It's called our glorious White Race. And our eternity comes in the form of long ago histories taught even today. How long ago was the Trojan War? Some 3,200 years ago. And yet we still tell tales of it to this day. And what of Ancient White Egypt? Stories and histories that run back over 6000 years!! Yet we write of them and through that those long ago millennia live again as if by magic. And what of our other form of eternal life? The Holy Blood of our people. A people born 200,000 years ago in ice and darkness, yet who rose above the harshness of an Ice Age to become the greatest species to ever live upon this Earth. Now THAT is called ETERNITY!!
So I issue this challenge to those who require a spook or an afterlife in order to find faith and religion, or to show respect to departed loved ones: How do you honor your ancestors? By belittling their own greatness and love with a demand that they must bow down to some dictator in order to gain the thought of eternal life? Can not their life's work, or their smiles and sorrows, be enough for them to live on in death? No, I say YOU HAVE NO ETERNITY in the chains and shackles you place on remembering those who gave you life and smiling childhood memories. We shall shake our heads at your weakness and honor our mothers and fathers and friends with a toast of ale and the beat of music. For in LIVING and REMEMBERING do we both give thanks and eternal life to the ones we love so dearly.
So on this Halloween remember those not present with a toast and a smile. Hold their memories in your heart. For within YOU, my White Brothers and Sisters, is eternal life granted. By your thoughts of happy days gone by do those dead live again. By creating new White life will your past ancestors live anew. For within your mind and your progeny is our eternity granted until the Universe grows cold and dark. Remember them, my fellow Creators, and grant them the reward of a REAL AFTERLIFE. Not with a pie in the sky, but through the Holy Blood of our Holy White Race.
Rev. Hardy Lloyd, PM
November 3, 50 AC- Message From Reverend Lloyd
Palestinian Politics And White Issues
RAHOWA, my White Brothers and Sisters!! I know the website is having its every 90 days down period, and it's frustrating to only have the BitChute channel for content. But know that this happens every so many months and that it is temporary. As soon as it's back up I'll write a new Sermon to inspire you all.
Concerning the Palestinian fighting and the jew sniffing right-wing faggots, all I have to say is this. It's all controlled opposition. Left-wingers are NOT attacking jews. They are using anti-Israeli protests to slander Europe and White people. Even though jews are not White, the commies use them as an anti-White proxy. And the right-wing fags are just sucking their master's cocks. Whites and Palestinians have a common enemy in the jew. Our homelands are just as occupied as theirs, and by the same people. No reason why we cannot use these jew attacks and protests to convert a few Whites to our side. Maybe even wake up some infidels from their kosher CONservative zombie state of mental pollution?! Let us try, shall we?
One day both oppressed peoples, Whites and Palestinians, shall celebrate the utter destruction of the bandit state of IsntReal. So let us shout loud and clear : FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA, PALESTINE SHALL BE FREE!!
Rev. Hardy Lloyd, PM
November 9, 50 AC Sermon #10 - SOLO CREATORS ARE NEVER ALONE
RAHOWA, my White Brothers and Sisters! Today I wish to talk about something very important to many Creators. That is the sad yet true fact that many Creators, probably a majority, are solo practitioners of our Holy Faith. The Church Of Ben Klassen, Earth's ONLY recognized world wide CREATIVITY Church, is largely made up of individuals, family units, Primary Groups of 2-5 friends usually, and family groupings (multiple members of an extended family unit). Seems to be our fate that while we are the ultimate Creed for the White Race, that harsh truth frightens many away. But this is a good thing, my White Brothers and Sisters. For it shows the world that we are the cream of the crop.
Mother Earth and Father Universe look upon us, their finest evolved creature, and smile. Why do they smile at our small numbers? Because they know that we are the embodiment of the Laws of Life itself!! We are the end stage of billions of years of fire and water coming together to forge a higher form of life; European Man, in all his glory, pain, joy and wonder. So do not fret when you hold a service with just yourself, my fellow Creators. For YOU are the highest form of evolved life in the world. YOU follow the sacred Laws of Mother Nature, while the weak fall prey to every form of degeneration the vile jews have spread far and wide. For YOU stand as a beacon of light and warmth in a land of cold darkness. YOU and no one else hold the torch of Truth and Sanity.
But WHY are we, the Übermensch, so small in number? Why do other Whites, even dedicated White Racial Loyalists, shy away from the only TRUE ideology for White Salvation? Why so few? Why so spread out? Why are Nature's Finest even ATTACKED and SLANDERED by those who claim to be our comrades??? Surely we are ALL in the same war for the same survival of the same race? Alas, the very religion created by the greatest White Man to ever live, Ben Klassen, is so radical, so extreme, so pure, that even hardcore White Power fighters are scared to commit themselves totally to its righteous Creed. They read of a 24/7 commitment to a Faith that wraps all of one's life into one all encompassing belief system. They see words like DEDICATION, SACRIFICE, MARTYRDOM, SUFFERING FOR, and HOLY WAR and they fear giving themselves to such a religion as ours.
For CREATIVITY isn't for the faint of heart, my Brothers and Sisters. CREATIVITY is for the radical few. Those who obey no order but their own. Those whose discipline calls for the eradication of all other nations and beliefs. For the truth is thus : We are our OWN nation!! We are our OWN country!! We are our OWN people!! We are our OWN religion!! We are our OWN government!! We are our OWN laws!! We are our OWN culture!! And we are our OWN MOVEMENT!! Yes, CREATIVITY is NOT for the faint of heart, my Brothers and Sisters. CREATIVITY is for the radical 1% of Earth's true minority; CREATORS.
So now you no doubt ask me, "Well, how can we be a religion of the race if it is of just a handful of that race?" Simple, because we ARE that race!! We, and only us, are the White Race. If you show a people the one true path and they in turn reject that Creed because it is too "harsh" to follow, well, then they have forsaken their membership in that very race they refuse to dedicate their whole being too!! For compromise is not possible in a world as fucked up and chaotic as ours is, my White Brothers and Sisters. We must, as a matter of course, stand for the Faith that promises our Salvation, so long as we are willing to actually fight for it. Because no other Creed will win this final war we find ourselves in. This last battle demands that we give our all in a radical, new approach. And Only CREATIVITY can deliver that Creed!! This Racial Holy War, this White Man's Jihad, demands blood and sacrifice.
This is no Sunday picnic, my fellow Creators. No great struggle was ever won by voting or following your enemies laws. It was won since the dawn of time by one species conquering its enemies by any and all means it could muster in its own defense. The White Race was born in such a way some 200,000 years ago via the harsh snow storms and blinding ice sheets of Ice Age Europa. Where we waged our first Racial Holy War against the Neanderthals. In that race war we slaughtered the subhuman trash that had made a home in our Homeland. And since that time, so long ago, we have waged similar wars of Racial Defense. And now our ancestors call to us from our very DNA and DEMAND that we wage that Holy War once again.
And how do we wage such a total war against a very powerful foe with only a handful of followers? With an ideology that one is forced to wrap their ENTIRE BEING AROUND, that's how. By submitting our very souls and lives to a religion that DEMANDS we think nothing of our own reward, but instead give ourselves completely and unquestionably over to our White Race as a whole. In short, my Brothers and Sisters, we wage our Holy War of our Race, the RAHOWA, by sacrificing our own personal greed and happiness for the greater community. And only a religion of total dedication can do this. CREATIVITY IS THAT RELIGION!!
So do not feel alone, nor sad, my fellow Creators. For YOU are the sum total of ALL your Ancestors who came before you!! YOU are their Hopes and Dreams because of the Holy Blood in your veins. YOU are connected to them every time you repeat the FIVE FUNDAMENTAL BELIEFS OF CREATIVITY five times a day. YOU are their Sword every time you follow the 16 COMMANDMENTS. And YOU, my fellow Creator, are the future of a Race reborn because you SUBMIT to the Holy Creed and Program Ben Klassen created in 1973 CE.
CREATIVITY may be a religion whose followers are spread out, but we are a dedicated and loyal few. So practice your weekly service alone if that's the way it has to be at first. Just know the more you submit to it, and the more those whom you preach to see this dedication and submission, the more your Primary Group shall grow. Until it becomes a large and dedicated Congregation. For no Cause was ever built in a single day. And CREATIVITY is the ultimate Cause. Just remember this simple truth, and be sure to mention it to others when they ask WHY DO YOU FOLLOW THIS RADICAL RELIGION OF THE FEW : I know in my heart that CREATIVITY is the soul of my People!!
Some of us submit ourselves to great suffering for our Faith in Klassen's Holy teachings. I have been kidnapped 11 times now solely for living my religion and passing out flyers in the so-called land of "Free Speech." Others suffer by losing family and friends, whose prejudices against our religion blind them with hate. Many lose jobs because they refuse to abandon the 16 COMMANDMENTS. And many of us lose hope because we practice as solo Creators. Yes, the negative side of that twin coin of life can be quite cruel sometimes. It can create a darkness so consuming you feel like just giving up. Such is life in this insane madness we call 21st Century Earth. But then there is the flip side of the coin of life; Positivity. And we Creators are nothing if not a very positive people. For one has to be positive in a world so stark raving mad as this one is!! And Ben Klassen gives us much to be positive about. He gives us teachings that show us the glory of our race's awesome past. He gives us a prophecy in the final chapter of NATURE'S ETERNAL RELIGION that clearly tells us how much better and saner the world can be made as long as we are willing to submit to and fight for our Holy Race and Religion. And finally Klassen gives unto us a Holy Faith WORTH suffering and dying for!!
So do not be saddened when you recite the DAILY AFFIRMATION OF THE FAITH and you are alone in a dark room. For that one act is more for fulfilling, more powerful, than a rally with 1,000 softhearted activists and membership groupies. That one daily act is an act of defiance against a vile, evil empire of vampires who seek total domination over all peoples. An empire so vast and powerful that it controls whole armies and nations of slaves. Yet your daily rituals of the FIVE FUNDAMENTAL BELIEFS OF CREATIVITY scare the living shit out of these parasitical vermin. It is YOU they fear, my fellow Creator!! They fear your dedication to a creed that offers ZERO REWARD in a nonexistent "afterlife." They are utterly terrified by your fanatical dedication to a religion that requires a life of suffering and sacrifice, when no spook demands it of you with threat of mythical realms of fire and torture. For that is our secret, our hidden power. We suffer and dedicate ourselves to a creed NOT because we fear "damnation", nor because we seek "redemption." No, we dedicate ourselves to our Religion of CREATIVITY because we know in our hearts that it is the soul of our People. We suffer hell on Earth because we know that CREATIVITY is the one true path to FREEDOM. Our power lies within our submission to Klassen's Holy Teachings!!
So do not fear being a solo Creator, my White Brothers and Sisters. Instead, rejoice in the connection you share with a million other believers. Smile and know you are NEVER truly alone, for the blood of the billion Whites who came before you runs deep in your veins. Find the positive in being a loner who follows the one true religion of your People. For even in solitude can one find the strength to overcome their problems and sadness. And be HAPPY, my fellow CREATORS, and know that TOGETHER we win will this Racial Holy War.
Rev. Hardy Lloyd, PM
November 17, 50 AC - Message from Reverend Lloyd
RAHOWA, my White Brothers and Sisters! Prison communications are a bit spotty this week, so I shall forgo a sermon and just run over a few things quick. Will write a Thanksgiving one next week.
First off, glad all of you are finding inspiration and hope within my words each week. We must ALWAYS look upon EVERY kidnapping and persecution of the BLESSED as a shot in the arm of adrenaline. For every bigoted attack we endure we gain followers. For every racist slander we receive our support base grows. We are to suffer for our Holy Faith. It proves the righteousness of our Holy Cause; The Sacred RAHOWA!! So stay the course, my Brothers and Sisters, for in all hardships lie the seeds of Liberation and Glory.
And don't forget to stay away from ANY group that promotes voting and politics as a solution to our woes, or who promises a hundred year plan involving uniforms and parades. Only through orthodox dedication to a religious creed will we win back our Race and Freedom!! Religious fanaticism is the ONLY WAY TO WIN!! Why? Because only through wrapping yourself entirely around a Holy Creed can one ever weather the coming storm needed to tear down the whole world and build a BRILLIANT WHITE FUTURE where Race and Religion are the foundation. A foundation founded upon a bedrock of Nature's Eternal Laws.
So stay the course, my fellow Creators, for you are NEVER ALONE!! You are one of the BLESSED. A people who submit to the one true Faith of the White Race: CREATIVITY!!
Rev. Hardy Lloyd, PM
Happy Thanksgiving! - 50 AC
RAHOWA, my White Brothers and Sisters!
I wanted to wish all our North American Creators a happy Turkey Day. Although not an official holiday in our religion, I have always observed it and encouraged other Whites to celebrate this day. It has always been a holiday in my Mormon family practiced by all my relatives regardless of what country they live in. And so I observe it to this day as a White Racial holiday. A day that celebrates the beginning of the third great conquest of the Americas by the Glorious White Race.
The first was during the Ice Age when Whites crossed the North Atlantic sheet to the shores of what would become New England. The Spaniard landings, starting with Columbus, began the second wave, and the arrival of settlers from Western Europe, beginning with Jamestown, the third and greatest wave of White conquest from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Some have pointed to findings that suggest the Aryan Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans sailed to this land between 4000 BCE and 500 CE. And there is no doubt that Vikings led by Leif Eriksson sailed at least as far as Newfoundland in the 11th century.
I will say that this holiday has little to do with the Pilgrims. Lincoln started this as war time propaganda in 1863. And in Mormon families it is practiced as a secular family day. Even some Whites in Canada practice it. It is a day to honor your White family unit, spending time with them, and remembering dead loved ones. So celebrate it with pride and glee. Know that your Ancestors live within YOU, my White Brothers and Sisters! YOU are their remembrance. So live and thrive in White glory and CREATIVITY faith.
Rev. Hardy Lloyd, PM
December 3, 50 AC - Message From Reverend Lloyd
We must never lose faith in the inevitable victory of CREATIVITY!!
RAHOWA, my White Brothers and Sisters! Remember, we are a movement of our religion, NOT of others. We are the Movement for the Religion of CREATIVITY. While others embrace American or other nationalism, European Israelism or a traditional conservative society, we are rebelling against all of that.
We are the modern day rebels who are descended from those who built the Pyramids, sailed the Seven Seas plundering the empire's gold and rum, and then spit into the empire's face as we revolted against their governmental and religious tyranny. We are the 21st Century Pirates, the latter day Barbarian hordes of the Russian Steppes. We are the sons and daughters of those who roamed the Wild West when it was a landscape of cold, dark mysteries that ate men up who could not stand their ground. We are the elite who bow to no order but our own!
We are few, yet each one of us who truly believes stands as an immoveable stone wall that no cannonball can penetrate. We will not soften our Creed to attract more flies with honey. We reject honey soaked flies, instead roaming as angry tigers. We are the last of our Ancestor's true decedents. We are the few, the strong, the brave, the handful who weather this cruel storm of the modern age. We are CREATORS! And I'll gladly stand against the hail of bullets with Creators, even if it's just four or five of us, for I know we shall vanquish the foe no matter what.
Rev. Hardy Lloyd, PM
December 11, 50 AC Sermon #11 - FEARED BY ALL: OUR WORDS ARE WEAPONS
RAHOWA, my White Brothers and Sisters!
We have seen many attacks against our Holy religion this past year alone. Then again, we are the most feared White Racial Loyalist Creed in existence. For only CREATIVITY can lead the Holy White Race to glories never even dreamed before!! Just look at the hatred and prejudice that our Holy Books foster within the jews and infidels of the world. They fear with, twisted hearts, our message of love and hope. And so they attack us to no end. But in the final struggle, my White Brothers and Sisters, CREATIVITY shall defeat the forces of anti-White hate. For we are the end stage of White Empowerment. We Creators are the final hope for our great-great grandchildren's future offspring.
How do we know that the jews and their shabbos goy pawns fear and hate us more than any other WRL creed? Because even though we are the minority within the WRL Cause, even though we are but a radical few, the jews and their brain polluted soldiers, like the FBI thugs and British piggies, spend huge resources and man-hours to "combat'" CREATIVITY's adherents above all others. While millions of White Pride Christians, Nazis and Odinists, march in the streets and build churches and Hofs, the JOG focuses most of their power in attacking and slandering the Holy followers of Ben Klassen. For in his sacred words are the true weapons to end White Genocide!! The jews know this, and so they fear us above all others.
In the Soviet Slave States of Amerika we have seen laws passed in Florida that are clear attacks against BOTH the U.S. and Florida State Constitutions' protection of Freedom of Speech and the RIGHT to practice one's religion freely. In Florida, the closet communist and open jew sniffer, Ron DeSantis, pushed through a totally unconstitutional law barring the promotion of ANY so-called "anti-jew" propaganda. Then signed it into law in Israel to prove to his masters what a good shabbos goy he is. This was clearly designed to target the White Racial Religion of CREATIVITY, as our Holy Books state in plain black and white English why the jews are evil and need to be completely removed from our societies. Some might claim it targets anyone regardless of whether or not they are Creators or even White. But only our religious books openly call for the removal of jews. No where in the Poetic or Prose Edda is that stated, nor anywhere in the Christian Identity Bible. But in Klassen's Holy Teachings do we see this written in plain English!!
Can that anti-free speech law be used against anyone the jews hate? Of course it can be. But outside of WRLs, and more specifically the Holy Books, where would they use it? Certainly NOT with any of the La Raza Mestizos, who call for Anglo Genocide, nor with the black supremacists who want to rape and murder all Whites. Nope, only with WRLs!! But I'll salute ANY WRL who is targeted by such blatant draconian rules. Men like HT, for example, who got 30 days in jail for passing out humorous and factual flyers critical of jews.
In Canada, Whites, especially Creators, must be careful with the words and images they place upon flyers. If you say something, ANYTHING, the government does not like they can kidnap you and toss you into a prison just for being "offensive" to a total stranger who might read the flyer you left on someone else's car!! I am in awe of our members up North who continue to pass out our flyers. A big Roman salute to you all!!
Now, this is by and large used against ANY White Civil Rights Activist. But CREATIVITY gets extra scrutiny for what is contained in Nature's Eternal Religion and The White Man's Bible. They'll even stop you at the border and perform an entire search of your vehicle if you are a known Creator. And if they find one of our Holy Books, well, they might not let you in!! They even flag shipments from us to members up there. Luckily we found a way around this by not labeling any shipments under Church of Ben Klassen as the return address. Take that, Canuckastan bigots!! lol
But the persecutions I have faced, especially this latest one, where I was kidnapped simply for openly following my religion and nothing more, is truly a frightening display of anti-White HATE and bigotry!! And for our members and supporters in the United Kingdom we now see CREATIVITY officially outlawed by the jew controlled British Monarchy. Reverend James Costello, a minister of another Creator church: The Creativity Movement, and a man who does not see eye-to-eye with me on many things in this world, was sentenced to 5 years for promoting Creativity!! Unbelievable...
In the so-called "Land of the Free" you can be kidnapped by the racist FBI Cartel for just practicing our Holy Faith, THE ONE TRUE WHITE FAITH, in your own home. Think about that for a minute. Think of the FEAR the jews and their shabbos goy stooges have of our wonderful, glorious religion. If they simply hated us, like they do with everyone on Earth, they would simply slander us on their controlled TV stations and be done with it. No, they absolutely FEAR US!! Their fear is so strong they have to call us "deplorable" in a UK courtroom, or sentence me to the gulag for 6.5 years.
Such power do we Creators wield by the words and phrases Ben Klassen left to us in Nature's Eternal Religion and The White Man's Bible. James Costello posts a link to NER, a religious book that is supposed to be protected under UK law, and a judge declares his steadfast faith in CREATIVITY to be both "DEPLORABLE" and "A VILE RELIGION." And in the Jewnited States I hold services in my flat only to have the steroid junkies of the FBI Cartel break down my door and toss me, in chains, into a cell next to actual criminals and drug users.
Yes, my White Brothers and Sisters, such is the power of our Holy Teachings that the wicked jews must make up "laws" in order to stop us from freely exercising our Constitutionally protected rights. Rights we are SUPPOSED to be born with and to. Well, let the persecutions by the anti-White bigots against both James and myself show the injustice of infidel society!!
Yet we Creators, and all WRLs really, have a weapon to fight back against these tyrannical states. And that weapon is your refusal to bow to ANY anti-White bigotry. Your refusal to follow any order but your own. For some this will mean going to a Yankee or UK concentration camp for a number of years. For others it will mean you will have to Martyr yourself. Both forms of resistance to slavery will show the jews and their stooges that no matter the sacrifice, no matter the suffering, no matter the hate you receive, they cannot bully you into submission even if it costs you your freedom or your life.
We Creators have an extra weapon at our disposal. The weapon of our FAITH IN OUR HOLY CREED!! And our Holy Creed is powered by the weapon of our Holy Teachings!! For are we not, in The White Man's Bible under Creative Credo No. 64, commanded to fight back against slavery and tyranny by ANY AND ALL MEANS we can muster!?! Does not our Holy Founder, the greatest White Man to ever live, Ben Klassen, give us all the encouragement we need to resist evil? Do his Sacred Words not give us strength in times of turmoil? Does not our Holy Creed sustain us in our submission to it?
Yes, our Founders Holy Words DO give us the power the jews so fear. But ONLY if we submit to CREATIVITY in all it asks of us. And what does it ask us? That we give our whole life over to loving our Race, loving our White Brothers and Sisters, and loving the very essence of life's laws we were given by Mother Nature Herself.
So stand tall, my White Brothers and Sisters, for you are a member of the greatest race to ever walk the land. Blessed by Mother Earth and Father Universe. The blood of ages past and Ancient Ancestors long gone flow in your veins. No jewish tyranny can EVER erase that simple truth. For your life as a White person matters more than all other life upon the land, under the sea, or in the skies above...YOU ARE WHITE AND A CREATOR!!
Remember the oath you swore when you converted to CREATIVITY. Remember that by submitting to our Holy Faith, by suffering for what you believe in, you are committing a true act of defiance against slavery and White Genocide. You are made, by your commitment to CREATIVITY, more powerful than ANY JEW ON EARTH!! For no "law", no matter how many goons enforce it, can truly stop the righteous actions of the Holy.
And for those WRLs who have yet to convert to CREATIVITY, who find pride and power in their own version of White Pride, you TOO have strength in submitting to that White creed which speaks to your heart. For all of us, whether Creator or infidel, Skinhead or Klansman, Nazis or Odinist, Church of Ben Klassen member or just some Heavy Metal WP couple with an anarchistic outlook, ALL OF US have the power within that the jews fear. So stand tall for your White Race and stand strong with words of power. And never forget the one word that spooks the kikes more than any other: RAHOWA!
Rev. Hardy Lloyd, PM
RAHOWA, my White Brothers and Sisters!
Today I want to talk to you about a misconception that is floating around the White Racial Loyalist Movement about CREATIVITY and the Church of Ben Klassen. That being that Creativity, and more to the point I, believe in forced conversion to our Holy Faith by ALL Whites. This is a lie that has come about partially through some poor word choices on my part, and a misreading of certain Creative Credos from The White Man’s Bible.
I here and now state that we Creators believe in no such Muslim-like forced conversion. And I also apologize if any of my essays or sermons were taken to mean this. In the heat of passion and my utter devotion to the one true Faith of the White Race, I allowed my ranty mind to take statements to the extreme. That was NOT MY INTENTION, and I once more apologize for this.
Do I believe that only Creativity can take the White Race into the next million years? DAMN SKIPPY I DO!! Creativity is the end stage goal of WRL ideological evolution. And I shall continue to state such. I see only Creativity as the way forward once we have not only won the White Man's Jihad, the Racial Holy War, but even only coming to true fruition decades after the last jew is wiped from the face of the Earth.
No, Creativity is not for all Whites. Nor is it even truly designed for the pre-RAHOWA stage of our struggle. But it IS eventually the one true path. In fact, I have been very adamant that certain Whites cannot join us. On our website, I have issued a Creative Decree that no member of the Church of Ben Klassen can be a member of the Aryan Brotherhood, Aryan Circle or ANY prison gang!! No Creator shall be a user of so-called “street drugs”, either. Creativity demands absolute devotion to a sacred religious creed that calls for a lifetime commitment. One cannot commit if one is a slave to other things.
Creativity is for the elite of the White Race. And the elite of the White Race are true White Racial Loyalists who believe in racial loyalty above all else. One cannot serve two masters. You either SUBMIT to the Holy 16 Commandments of Creativity, as Ben Klassen teaches us, or you submit to something or someone else. Our religion demands total submission to a religion that is to be wrapped around one's whole being, one's whole identity.
Gang membership and drug use rob you of total submission to White Racial Loyalty. They mark you as being weak; a toy of the jewish world. So does being an American nationalist, or ANY kind of nationalist. Same as with spook worship. You either serve and submit to the WHITE RACE AND NATURE'S ETERNAL LAWS, or you serve two masters!!
Having said that, I will make it absolutely clear that I have always networked with both White AND non-White Third Positionists. I founded the ORDER OF NATIONAL SOCIALISM back in 1993 with the twin goals of promoting Aryan Mystical philosophies, and networking with ANYONE OF ANY RACE OR ETHNICITY who A) Believed in racial separation, and B) Believed in destroying communism and judaism. Upon converting to Creativity in 2000, I turned over the ONS to comrades in Chile who are members of the 55 CLUB and Serrano Society.
I still hold a special place in my heart for Aryan Mystical Philosophy, as well as the days when I used the ONS to network with all people the world over. And in fact Creativity doesn't necessarily prohibit one from being a Creator AND openly supporting another WRL group. But we must never forget our FIRST loyalty is always to our Holy Creed and our fellow Creators!
And that is what I am getting at today. The simple fact that all of us WRLs can and should be united as one force against world jewry!! I do have criticisms of other groups, creeds and individuals though. And I always shall. Every one of us does and will. But I continue to this day to associate with Skinheads who are NOT Creators, and Aryan Mystics, as well as some old school Odinists and Nazis. Just because we Creators have 9 major points of difference with National Socialism does NOT mean we don’t respect and admire Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich. I detest Nordicism and refuse to allow it within our religion and Church. But I still have some old friends who are Odinists and who believe blue-eyed blonds are the purest, most superior of our people.
Hell, I find spookism retarded, silly and for weak minds. Yet I have nothing but the utmost respect for Louis Beam and his book ESSAYS OF A KLANSMAN!! One of the first racial books I ever read. I also admire David Lane's strength during his prison ordeal, and promote his book DECEIVED, DAMNED & DEFIANT. And I find Cosmotheism to be a blatant rip-off of Creativity that I personally would like to see fall by the wayside. Yet, I listened to every weekly ADV show Dr. Pierce recorded, and see THE TURNER DIARIES and HUNTER as the blueprints for waging the RAHOWA!! Even though I find fault personally with some WRLs today, as with some of the past, I still promote their works and admire their courage. I may even reject the NSM because of past and/or CURRENT leaders of said group, yet I still communicate with a handful of members and know that they are doing the best they can to carry on Hitler’s movement.
So I ask those who mistook my passionate rants of the past to forgive me and help us all unite under the banner of WHITE RACIAL LOYALTY in this, our darkest hour of the past 50,000 years. As Brothers of Metal sings, “Brothers Unite”, let us unite as one species against one foe; the parasitical jew. We all hail from the same race that built Göbekli Tepe, Stonehenge, the Pyramids and other ancient monuments beginning around 9500 BCE, conquered Europa from the Neanderthals in 100,000 BCE, and rose time and time again over the millennia to become the Masters of the Earth!! And never forget that we are the race that beat back the mud invaders in multiple wars and centuries, even as most of our race were brainwashed with Christ-insanity and monarchism. We are Whites!! We are the Master Race!! But we must, no matter which ideology we individually follow, unite and wage the RAHOWA, as a united species of the European People.
One of our greatest strengths is also one of our greatest weaknesses; Diversity. We are a very diverse race; a highly individualistic race. And a dissident/revolutionary movement is necessarily made up of independent thinkers. But now is the time, as Ben Klassen teaches us in Nature’s Eternal Religion, to unite under Creativity's call to RACIAL SOCIALISM!! We MUST unite as one race. Not necessarily as one creed. NO!! But we have to, for our very survival, unite as a common People fighting a common enemy or we shall ALL perish separately.
As I stated before, one cannot serve two masters. But for all of us our only true master is THE HOLY WHITE RACE!! Whether you are a Creator or an Aryan Nations Christian, we all bleed European. Whether one is an Atheist Skinhead or an Odinist Tribalist, both are under attack by the jews. Whether you personally believe in Adolf Hitler as the end all be all of Whiteness or you seek personal White empowerment through the Luciferian Left Hand Path of Satanic White Power, both of you are Brothers and Sisters in race.
We all are united as one blood, one tribe, one nation, one action in our Sacred White Race!! And so let us act so by being united. The jews are united as one race via their one racial religion and desire to conquer and enslave the whole world. We must also be united in our RAHOWA. And as much as I would like to see us united in one racial religion, Creativity, I know that we are a race of many minds, beliefs and subcultures.
Just one demand on my part, and that is that we MUST REJECT right-wing neo-racists and kosher CONservative White Pride types. I am sick and tired of seeing these American loving, “Back the Blue”, patriot-tards who don't seem to realize that the Soviet States of Amerika, along with Canuckastan, declared BLOODY WAR AGAINST HITLER AND SLAUGHTERED OUR GERMAN BROTHERS AND SISTERS!! Nothing is more disgusting than some CONservative anti-communist professing White Pride because Ben Shapiro now says it's OK. FUCKING BEN SHAPIRO, PEOPLE!?!?
I think we can ALL hate these types of pseudo-White Racists. To be a TRUE WHITE RACIAL LOYALIST one must reject nationalism, along with all the traditional conservative ideas of what being White is supposedly about. For being a true WRL one must first off embrace Third Position philosophy. Second, one must reject ALL ASPECTS of the left/right box. All that is liberalism, conservativism and centrist is of jewish design, and therefore of an anti-White nature! And third recognize that White Revolution is the only solution! So, wake up and reject all forms of nationalism and politics and instead embrace White Racial Loyalty in ANY of its true Third Positionist forms.
But above all remember this, my White Brothers and Sisters. Within YOU lies the strength of our People, as well as the wisdom of our Ancestors. Through your dedication and submission to White Racial Loyalty and White Unity we together, ALL OF US, will win this Racial Holy War.
Rev. Hardy Lloyd, PM
December 21, 50 AC - A Holiday Message From Reverend Lloyd
RAHOWA, my White Brothers and Sisters!
Just wanted to wish all true White Racial Loyalists, whether Creator or not, a Happy Yule and Winter Solstice. The seasonal holidays are Nature's way of showing us the seasons of our own lives. From birth to death, Nature shows us the cycle of life. And celebrating that fact is a celebration of life.
So raise a glass and live life, my White Brothers and Sisters. Live life and rejoice in our Holy Creed of Creativity. Know that as a Creator you are the true soul of the White Race. You are of the BLESSED of Mother Europa. You are living as the Cosmos demands we all live. You are a true White Racial Loyalist!!
And a special thank you to all those who have sent well wishes to me, as well as those who continue to promote Creativity and the Church of Ben Klassen. Thank you all!! By supporting my fight against bigotry, and promoting and living Creativity, you are showing the vile jews where the real power is. And that power lies within YOU, my fellow believers in Ben Klassen's Holy Teachings…the power of our militant Faith.
So RAHOWA to all of you!! Go forth and spread our Sacred Religion to the White masses. Share it, live it, breathe it, and know that it is the one true path.
Rev. Hardy Lloyd, PM
December 26, 50 AC Festum Album Day One - Historia/History
RAHOWA, my White Brothers and Sisters!
Welcome to Day One of Festum Album; History. Today we light the first candle, black, to represent the solemnity of the struggle to retain our culture and virtues. Please light your candles, Creators of the world, and celebrate as one religion, one people, on this day, the 26th of December in the 50th year of our Glorious Faith. RAHOWA!
“In this day of History, we reflect upon the unparalleled historical and cultural record that our people achieved. We remember that our people were the guiding force behind every civilization in the world. From the grandeur of Ancient Egypt to heights of the Roman Empire, from our cultural blossoming in the Renaissance to our colonization of distant lands, we shall take great pride in the historical achievements of our people.”
Today we celebrate and remember the persecutions that our race has suffered while protecting our genetic and cultural heritage. For without struggle, without suffering, we would not still be here to celebrate as White People. Without submission to our Holy Race and Sacred Religion of Creativity we would not have a love so strong to see us through the harshest of times. So let us remember that it takes sacrifice to keep alive that which you love. And let all the BLESSED keep at the forefront of our minds that Creativity is the ultimate expression of White Loyalty to our European heritage!!
What a long history of sacrifice and battle do we have to remember, my White Brothers and Sisters!! From the Ice Age when we battled the Neanderthals for supremacy of the European continent, to the dawn of ancient White Egypt to the glories of Rome when Whites created the greatest civilization the world has known. Yes, we have much to be proud of!!
But it takes more than mere examples of our greatest triumphs to show our love, or to demonstrate the SOLEMNITY of our struggle. There are dark times to remember, too. Dark times that we MUST REMEMBER so we can yoke strength from them. For the sweet is never as sweet without the sour!! For only when the chips are down, the darkness closing around you, the cold penetrating your every pore, only when we are suffering our greatest pain do we truly show our enemies what we are made of. For the Holy White Race has ALWAYS bounced back time and time again from defeat and disaster to create a new and better world.
So let us revel in our darkening age of the 21st Century, for only through suffering can we submit to the very essence of our peoples' true inner power. And through embracing that power, the White Racial Religion of Creativity, will we retain our White Being. So let us raise a glass to our Ancestors and remember the hardships they endured, gaining power and strength with each memory.
As Reverends Matt Hale, James Costello and myself have demonstrated in more recent memory, White People who stand tall for the rights and dignity of their own are hounded and persecuted to no end!! Just as it was with the warriors of the Third Reich. Those men who went through not only one of the worst struggles for Freedom ever recorded, but also who were persecuted after the conflict was over. For even after the Nazis surrendered with honor, the jews and their shabbos goy stooges continued their HATE!!
But let us compare. The Third Reich treated POWs as per the Geneva Convention's code of war. Why Hitler, refused to allow Himmler to kill jews, or his generals to use chemical weapons unless first used by the JOGITES. I would have been as brutal as Stalin if I had been the Fuhrer!! But Hitler shows us that even when the White Race is a power in the world do we have a heart. A soft side that is shown to those who do NOT show it in return.
This is something we MUST correct within ourselves as a race, my White Brothers and Sisters. We MUST become as harsh as the jewish Bolsheviks were, or else we shall perish from the Earth!!
But I digress...
How was Hitler's soft side returned by the Amerikans, Brits, Frenchies and Soviets??? WITH BRUTALITY AND HATE!! The Yankees, which many professed White Racial Loyalist Whites today still support simply because they were born in the Soviet Slave States of Amerika, MURDERED German POWs AFTER the war was over. Yes, my White Brothers and Sisters you're beloved Amerikan Nationalism was repaid back in 1945 with MILLIONS OF MURDERED WHITE Germans, the RAPE OF MILLIONS OF WHITE WOMEN, and the forced conversion of MILLIONS OF WHITE CHILDREN to a self-hating philosophy.
Is this your Amerikan “pride”? Is this your Spirit of 1776? Is this why you profess Amerikan nationalism? If so, you are NO White Racial Loyalist, but instead a VILE RACE TRAITOR!!
And yet, even as we remember these horrors 78 years later, we still find strength in them. Let the dead of Dresden speak the volumes of why we fight with utter religious fanaticism to retain our precious White culture and virtues.
Let the pain we feel from these memories grant unto us the power to overcome the evils we all face in our own daily lives, as we follow the Sacred and Holy Creed of Creativity. For within our pain of past wrongs done to us, and in the submission to our Holy Faith out of memory and vengeance, shall we grow stronger to win our Racial Holy War. Not tomorrow, or perhaps not in 10 years, but eventually.
But what other examples are there that show a White person in todays cruel world that they CAN withstand the trials and tribulations of modern persecutions and imprisonments? Where else in history can we see the STRUGGLE to RETAIN our Sacred and Holy Culture and Virtue?
Well, if you read the book THE DARKENING AGE by Catherine Nixey, you will see another great example from our Peoples' glorious past of suffering that every White today can relate to. In this book you will see the progression of JEW spawned Christ-Insanity and how it brought forth WHITE GENOCIDE, just as we see today with miscegenation, transvestism, communism, anti-White HATE, and the ever growing legalization of WHITE GENOCIDE here in the JewSA and Europe through open borders and nigger or spic attacks on our people.
Why, what happened to the White Romans in the latter decades of the Roman Empire is what is happening today to people like me and James!!
In Rome's final decades, as this book shows, JEW SPAWNED CHRIST-INSANITY sought to at first debate with Ancient White Greco-Roman culture and virtue. Slowly and sneakily trying to pass laws to allow dual cultures to exist. One being the Ancient racially and natural culture of Whites that spanned from 800 BCE to 300 CE. And in fact, if you read Graham Hancock, as I do, perhaps a White culture with virtues going back to 9600 BCE!?! What INSANITY to eventually replace this awesome history of organic, natural and VERY RACIAL European traditions and religions with the religion rooted in SEMITIC lies, a creed full of hypocrisy, and a suicidal sermon upon a mound.
Why, you might ask, would any rational White person buy into this claptrap? Who knows? Maybe it's an irrational fear of death? But whatever the reason, JEW spawned Christ-Insanity soon outlawed sanity and White Culture, replacing it with WHITE GENOCIDE eventually imposed on all European peoples. Not unlike we see today. Hmmm, interesting how similar a dying Rome was to our now dying Amerika and Europa. Perhaps this ancient lesson is one we must remember so we are NOT doomed to repeating it, ah?!
Although this period is a sad tale to remember, it shows us that Whites were able to withstand it and weather the 1000 years of darkness to emerge in the Renaissance, which led to the more important (in my humble opinion) AGE OF ENLIGHTENMENT from which came back to us the glories and knowledge of Rome, Egypt and Greece. Bringing back art, philosophy and science.
So, yes my White Brothers and Sisters, let us remember BOTH the good AND the bad on this day of Historia. For one cannot rejoice in glories past if we do not remember the harsh times that forced Men to act against them. For evil shall always triumph when good men do nothing. So let us DO SOMETHING! Let us remember so we can find courage in dark times, such as we have today. Let us look upon my own persecution with eyes of rage, hearts of Steel, and Faith so fanatical that no enemy can defeat it.
We weathered the 1000 years of darkness and White Genocide spawned by JEW CREATED CHRIST-INSANITY. We resisted the Persians and kept Europa White. We lost Ancient Egypt, yet gained a Golden Age in Greece. We repulsed the Muslim invaders time and again. We lost to the horrors of race betrayal in WW2, yet the destruction of Hitler’s Reich gave birth to Rockwell, Pierce and Ben Klassen's determination to found a Holy Creed to take the White Race forward.
Yes, we have suffered for our Race and Faith. Suffered badly at times. But in so doing we honor our Ancestors and bring justice to the dead. And in following Creativity do we work tirelessly for a better world. One where we live not in fear but in happiness. A world where Freedom, Truth, Justice and Virtue are the laws of the land. A world where we can create happy memories out of the bad ones of today. And in so doing we will win this Racial Holy War.
Rev. Hardy Lloyd, PM
December 27, 50 AC Festum Album Day Two – Fatum/Destiny
RAHOWA, my White Brothers and Sisters!
Welcome to Festum Album Day Two; DESTINY, or Fatum in Latin. Today we celebrate the Sacred Destiny that our Holy Religion of CREATIVITY promises us. Promises with absolute certainty if we are willing to submit to its teachings. So light the second candle, black for the solemnity of our Holy Struggle.
“In this day of Destiny, we ponder the glorious future awaiting our people and look fondly upon our manifest destiny. As Nature’s Finest Creation, we commit ourselves to this vision, for a people without vision shall perish. Our fate is what we make it.”
Achieving our Holy Destiny is not an easy thing in this modern world of jewish insanity. Whites live in nations fully controlled, or at least manipulated, by the vile jews. We see our people divided by some of the most trivial of issues and beliefs. Whites even killing each other over whose mythical god has the bigger dick, or over imaginary lines on a map represented by different pieces of colored cloth. Silly ideologies and concepts that truly DO NOT MATTER. What matters is WHITE RACIAL LOYALTY, my Brothers and Sisters! So let us end the bollocks and fight as ONE species, for we ARE one species!!
And how can we achieve our Sacred Destiny that Ben Klassen promises us? By submitting ourselves totally to the one true Faith, Creativity. For in Creativity do we have the full Creed that, with hard work and dedication, will lead us to the BRILLIANT FUTURE that is written in Nature’s Eternal Religion. But we must give our whole selves to the service of White Racial Loyalty, or else all we do is abetting nationalism, traditionalism, CONservatism and Christianity. All of these divide our people. So let us put them aside and focus on White Racial Loyalty and nothing else.
Now, some will say “But, Reverend Lloyd, it’s too late to win. We are doomed.” or “Why should we care if most Whites don't?”... Why? Why, my Brothers and Sisters ? The WHY is simple:
Did we not overcome the harshness of the Ice Age to evolve into Earth's greatest race ever? Did we then not take on the Neanderthals, wiping out an entire species? Did we not found the civilizations of Sumaria, Egypt, Greece and Rome? Were we not the race that built the Pyramids, the Great Sphinx and the Parthenon when all other races were living in mud huts?
We overcame 200,000 years of hardships and terrors to remain the world's sole Master Race. And we can and will do it again, my White Brothers and Sisters! Why? Because we are WHITE!! And as Whites we can achieve anything… even when all around us looks hopeless. Even now we shall win back the day. Just as we have over and over and over again throughout history.
But only through dedication to White Racial Loyalty. And Creativity is the highest expression of White Racial Loyalty there is. And so as Creators we will be the victory we talk endlessly of because we submit to our Sacred and Holy Race through total dedication and belief. Yes, through fanatical dedication to our Holy Creed we shall achieve our true Destiny!!
Now, some will ask why Creativity is the one true path? Why? Because only the Holy Teachings of Ben Klassen give us an entire Creed and Program to submit to and sacrifice for. Creativity gives us the power to resist not only physical warfare but also psychological warfare as well. Only Creativity gives us mental strength to match our physical resolve. For how many times have we seen strong men, and women as well, give in to the mental strains of the incessant attacks by the jews and their shabbos goy stooges? Anyone can physically handle a night or a week in jail... But how many can handle being in solitary confinement for 31 months straight?!?
I did!! And I did so BECAUSE I remembered the Holy Words of our Founder, Ben Klassen. I recalled every day I went through that evil, and highly illegal, hell of 2.5 years of solitary punishment Klassen's Words of Faith from Nature’s Eternal Religion and The White Man’s Bible. Those truthful, inspiring words of a Faith greater than myself. Creativity's Sacred Creed lifted me up in that time of constant pain and isolation so that I could look forward to a better day. A day when my People will be FREE from such tortures. A world of smiling children, happy homes, and a clean, healthy world. A world based on our Holy Mantra of:
A Sound Mind
In A Sound Body
In A Sound Society
In A Sound Environment
And THAT mantra gives us the strength to face BOTH the psychological, as well as the physical, hardships of today's madness. A madness that we SHALL DEFEAT!!
Let me repeat that Sacred and Holy Mantra again:
A Sound Mind
In A Sound Body
In A Sound Society
In A Sound Environment
We Creators are fighting for the total package. We seek to reclaim OUR WORLD for OUR PEOPLE, as we did 100,000 years ago. And our Creed shall achieve our Destiny once more. Why? Because we are religious fanatics. Because it is the total Creed to carry us through future millennia. Because our Holy Religion is founded upon the very DNA of our Sacred Race. Because CREATIVITY IS our Race!! And so we shall win back our lands, as our Religion prophesies in the chapter OUR BRILLIANT FUTURE.
For that is the POWER of a militant religion, my White Brothers and Sisters. The power of a People who SUBMIT to an all encompassing Faith. For Faith is strength, and strength builds upon submission too that Faith!!
So remember that our true Destiny, the Destiny of Victory, can and will be achieved because we submit on this day, and every day, to our Holy Faith of Creativity. Light your candles and repeat the Sacred Mantra as one Race, one Faith, one Nation of People in the one true White Racial Religion of CREATIVITY. For only through submission to one Faith can we win our only Destiny; Total Victory!!
Happy Festum Album!!
Rev. Hardy Lloyd, PM
December 28, 50 AC Festum Album Day Three - Unitas/Unity
RAHOWA, my White Brothers and Sisters!
On this, our Third Day of Festum Album, we celebrate the call to UNITY that Creativity asks of each and every White person. We Creators believe that eventually Creativity will replace all other ideologies and unite our Race in one White World. Of course, being logical, we Creators recognize that Whites are a very independent lot. And so after the White Man's Jihad, the RAHOWA, we may end up with a handful of ideological White Nations. But as we saw with Ancient Rome, a White nation made up of a myriad of tribes and kingdoms, we believe Creativity can recreate that, but on a worldwide front.
So, light the first white candle and join with the millions of the BLESSED around the Earth in celebrating the Purity and Holiness of the Creative Virtues of our racial religion.
“In this day of Unity, we commit ourselves to become one, realizing that regardless of our differences of language or customs, we are all part of the same racial family. We strive to overcome our differences as we look back upon our common European legacy. United as one, we will be fully in control of our destiny. United we will be invincible. United we will achieve our Manifest Destiny that Nature has so ordained unto us.”
I want to focus not on our divisions of the insane 21st Century, but harken back to the great example of White Unity (Unitas) that was both Rome and Egypt. If you read the works of Graham Hancock, as I do, you will note that the Ancient Whites of 40,000-9600 BCE were a united species who spanned the entire world. Not as a collection of waring nationalities and ethnicities, but UNITED as one Race!! Latins and Slavs and Germanics and Celts along with Hellenics and Egyptians and Soils and Indus and all others... One Race, one Nation, one Species UNITED in their racial loyalty.
But then a great cataclysm befell the Earth, and as children we were forced to start again. Thus tribes and ethnicities were born. In central Asia we created the Indus civilization which gave birth to the Sumerians of the Fertile Crescent. And in the far East, the founding White tribe of Japan, the Ainu. In Africa we founded Egypt, eventually UNITING Upper and Lower Egypt into one nation. And in Europe the various tribes of the Peloponnese Peninsula formed the city states of Helios, the Latin kingdoms of the Italian Peninsula, the warrior tribes of Germania, and the Celts and Picts of the British Isles.
So many tribes, so many different ethnicities. From Latins in Iberia to Hellenics in Greece and Asia Minor. From Slavic principalities in Russia to Nordic kingdoms in Scandinavia. Yes, the great diversity of the Sacred White Race spread far and wide into a plethora of peoples. But the White Race is a Creative and Holy Race, and so we tried to unite again. From small unions in Egypt to larger federations in Greece, to eventually the mega White Racial nation of Rome. Yes, the White Race came together once again to prosper as a single species!!
But then that age old enemy, the vile JEW, jealous of our creative minds and physical beauty, sought to obliterate our rebirth. This time by creating a truly devastating weapon that would tear us apart…racial division in the form of Christ-Insanity.
But the jews knew that our mighty race would need more than some spook worshipping nonsense to destroy our greatest creation since Zep Tepi. And so they stoked anti-Roman sentiment in the Northern and Eastern White tribes. This UNITED WHITE self-hate, combined with the weakness of Christ-Insanity, set White Brother against Brother, Sister against Sister and even children against their own parents...until Rome fell. The divided tribes poured into the Empire, and that EVIL NEMESES of NATIONALISM and NORDICISM became the norm of our once great people.
We Creators say NO MORE to the racial division and White self-hate that the JEWS have used for the last 2000-3000 years. We say UNITE, WHITE PEOPLE of the Earth. Unite against our common enemy. Unite in our common racial heritage. Unite on the basis of our HOLY BLOOD. Unite as we did for thousands of years. Unite as we were in Ancient Rome. Unite as Greece did in the face of the Persian invasion when the various White tribes came together to stand as one against the horde of a mixed empire of mud slaves.
Unite, White Man, as the ant colony does. Lockstep with one purpose; the salvation of our Holy Race. We don't need to all think the same. NO!! We just need to remember that we all share the same history, the same heritage, the same Mother Europa... We share a bond that no ideology can tear asunder, the bond of our common DNA. And THAT is what the parasitic jew fears most. White Racial Unity, my Brothers and Sisters!! So BE that UNITY!!
Some may find it odd that I, Reverend Hardy Lloyd, Pontifex Maximus of Creativity and the Church of Ben Klassen, am calling for UNITY when I routinely denounce any and all creeds outside of ours. Well, I am an Orthodox Creator. A fanatical warrior of the Racial Holy War. But even I know that we shall perish from the Earth if we do not UNITE as one species. For the vile JEW is united. United in his utter HATRED of White People. For the jew hates and fears the “Racial Soul” we Whites have within us. The jew cannot create except to destroy. They can only deracinate society, never maintain or improve it.
So, my White Brothers and Sisters of the single shared belief in White Racial Loyalty, hear me when I say we MUST UNITE or else we will not survive!! For a divided species, a divided state can NEVER be maintained, and a divided goal can NEVER be achieved.
We do not have to all think lockstep as one religion or ideology, nor all be members of a single group. But we MUST be lockstep in our shared White Racial Loyalty. We have to be of one mind when it comes to fighting the common foe. The jew is united against us, so we must, as a matter of course, be united against the jew.
After the RAHOWA is won we can then divide if we must into ideological states. Were I alive at that time, I would happily set up trade and mutual defense treaties with the Aryan Nation, the Odinist Kingdom and the National Socialist State. But until that ultimate victory has been achieved we MUST be a UNITED People. Or else we might as well commit collective suicide.
So, as we all light tonight’s candle in UNITY of our CREATIVITY Faith, let the White Race UNITE as one fighting force whose rallying cry is WHITE RACIAL LOYALTY!! Unite as an unstoppable war machine that seeks vengeance for ALL THE WRONGS the sick, jewish scum have inflicted upon our collective Peoples. Let us celebrate tonight's Festum Album with one eye on our Holy Creed that the great Ben Klassen founded 50 years ago, and one eye on networking with like-minded White Racial Loyalists the world over. For a united force is a powerful force. And we Whites are nothing if not a power unto ourselves when we get our dander up!!
I am proud to call myself a Creator. I am also proud to call myself a White Racial Loyalist. I am proud of my fanaticism and dedication to Creativity as the one true Faith of the White Race. I am just as proud to stand side by side with fellow Whites who are racially conscious as we man the barricades in mutual defense of our shared goal.
So, no more nationalism, no more tribalism, no more Nordicism, no more division over controlled opposition thinking. Let us just be UNITED in our White Racial Loyalty.
Happy Festum Album!!
Rev. Hardy Lloyd, PM
December 29, 50 AC Festum Album Day Four - Sollertia/Ingenuity
RAHOWA, my White Brothers and Sisters!
Welcome to Day Four of Festum Album, Ingenuity. Today we celebrate the CREATIVITY that Mother Nature bestowed upon our race alone. We honor our great builders and inventors, the travelers who explored the world, and the artists who gave us passion in both sound and sight. We look to our brilliance of mind, the creative spirit of the White People, and rejoice in our ability to use both our passionate side as well as our logical side to create the wonders of our civilization.
So light tonight’s white candle in celebration of Earth’s most Creative species.
“In this day of Ingenuity, we pay homage to CREATIVITY, the greatest gift which Nature in her infinite wisdom bestowed upon us. We honor all of our great artists, scientists, builders, explorers, philosophers, and thinkers. Because of their inborn desire to achieve new heights in every endeavor, they were able to create the highest forms of civilization ever seen upon the face of the earth.”
This year I'd like to talk about one particular aspect of our ingenuity. And that is MUSIC, and to a lesser extent art in general. For many of us POWs, myself being one of them, music is very important to getting through the harsh persecution of infidel society. For music, just one of our White inventions, can lift an individual outside of the concrete walls of our concentration camps and give us hope and love. White music is a blessing from our people. It speaks to our souls. It is the essence, in sound, of our White nature.
So many wonderful composers and bands. So much diversity of Whiteness. Sounds that touch our hearts with passion and our minds with thoughts of greater things. Whether Rock n Roll, Heavy Metal or Classical Opera, White music is the soul of Europa in sound and vibration. It is more proof that Whites above all others are the true Creators of Civilization and Culture!!
Personally, I like all kinds of White music. Classical, Chamber, Opera, Swing, European Folk, Beer Hall, Rock n Roll (and their various), Heavy Metal (and their various), EDM and Techno, House and Dance, and of course 80s New Wave along with Tech-Wave...
Yes, my musical tastes are a bit all over the place. But as a White man and as a poet my heart beats to what it feels in the moment. For my soul, like Ancient Rome, is of the European Peoples and embraces all aspects of our Glorious Species.
When it comes to works of White art, well, I am more traditional. My passions are as if Classical Music and the Opera were spilled out onto canvas. But with music I am a tornado of feelings. Seeking what my blood calls out to. And just as when I write poetry, I let the music take me where it goes. Passions running wild, just like the notes of a guitar solo.
Ah, yes, my heart, like that of Mother Europa, and the diverseness of our Holy White Race, my heart calls out to the passions of the sounds of our soul. The White soul found in the music of our People.
For whether it is Beethoven's 9th Symphony, my absolute favorite, or the FOUR SEASONS, my eyes will tear up and my heart will ache. And the same feelings will overtake me when I listen to FROZEN CROWN or SKREWDRIVER. For as a White man of passions and pride my soul cries out for the POWER that White music and art foster within my breast. For music is the White Race's SOUL!!
I will not listen to Grunge or Alternative, as I find them to be jewish perversions of White Rock n Roll. And of course I don't listen to rap, unless it is anti-cop/system. And then just to piss people off. Nothing like Libertarian ICE-T’s COP KILLER to annoy the squares. lol I also don't like country or Western. Well, if it's old school racist stuff, like JOHNNY REBEL, ya, then I'll listen to it. But my passions are found mostly in Rock, Metal, Classical and Techno. A bit odd, some might say. But, hey, the White Race has two souls within its breast, and as a Creator I accept and embrace both!!
Yes, music is indeed a wondrous White creation. An art that truly demonstrates our race's ability to create with BOTH our passions AND our
logic. It also shows off our ingenuity of the soul of Mother Europe. A soul where passion and logic form fantastic things.
Passion AND logic you ask? Why, yes. Music is created using BOTH passion and logic. Have you not listened to Mozart or Beethoven and heard the logical composition in that powerful and passionate music? Music that touches your heart, bringing tears to your eyes?! Or have you not heard the passions in Heavy Metal, which utilize Classical components in them? The extreme passion of Rock where guitars and drums go hand in hand with the piano?! Or the violins that one hears in 80s Hair Metal songs?! Are these not proof that White music, whether Psychotic Metal or Loving Chamber, are reflections of the White Soul!?!
So raise a glass to the soul and passions of the White Race and our artistic ingenuity with music, whatever music, blaring loud. Listen to your European heart in whatever style you find tears of joy. Whether Country or Metal or Rockabilly or Classical... Listen and live as our Ancestors did with the Lyre in Greece, or the flute in Rome, or the folk guitars of Dark Age Europa, or the Chamber compositions during the Age of Enlightenment... Listen and let the music fill your body, touching your soul. Listen and LIVE, my White Brothers and Sisters!!
Listen and remember that these sounds of joy and life were made possible ONLY because Whites invented them with the INGENUITY that Nature gave unto us alone. For only with Whites are these sounds formed and heard as the Cosmos prescribed them to be. For music, as with ALL ART FORMS, come from the DNA of the White Race's blood!!
Listen, my fellow Creators, and love your selves, love your lives, and love your racial passions. For you are the reason behind every great work of art, every great painting, every great invention, and every great poetic feeling...
Happy Festum Album!!
Rev. Hardy Lloyd, PM
December 29, 50 AC - West Victory Day
RAHOWA, my White Brothers and Sisters!
Today we celebrate West Victory Day in the 50th year of our Holy Creed of Creativity. We look back upon the glorious victory our race achieved collectively in 1890 CE when the last injun stronghold was broken, and the continent of North America truly became free and White.
On this day I always watch my favorite Western Films, such as:
- Hondo - John Wayne
- They Died With Their Boots On - One of my favorites!!
- The Alamo - John Wayne
- Texas Rising
- Custer of the West -1960s I think?
- The Outlaw Josey Wales - Clint Eastwood at his best!!
A good book to read is Madison Grant's Conquest of a Continent. The jews hated this so much they tried to burn it!! Nature’s Eternal Religion is always good. And of course Arthur Kemp's March of the Titans: The Complete History of the White Race. Graham Hancock's Fingerprints of the Gods and America Before are also good in showing that Ancient Whites colonized the Amerikas long before mud, so-called people, showed up.
Yes, on this day reflect upon the warrior spirit of your Ancestors and how they achieved this great victory through SACRIFICING THEMSELVES for a cause greater than just sitting around and hoping things get better. Look to their sacrifices and ponder how YOU TOO can sacrifice for the betterment of our White Race. For victories are never won with hope or wishing. NO!! They are won by the sweat of your brow and the blood that you spill. Victories are never meant to be easy, but hard won fights that one can be proud of after the fact.
And if you should fall? We shall write songs and poems of your deeds and celebrate your sacrifice along with the victims of the Indian Massacre of 1622, the Alamo defenders, Custer and the 7th Cavalry and all those who gave their lives so that Whites could be safe and grow in a harsh wilderness.
Yes, my White Brothers and Sisters, those sacrifices paved the way for the creation of civilization upon a land without spirit. And it would still be a cruel and dark land today if it weren't for the White Race's sacrifices of blood, sweat and lives for decades upon decades. White Men AND women gave their all to tame this Continent. Old grandfathers, with their old wives, grabbed their rifles and defended the homesteads, while young children in schoolhouses learned reading and writing along with marksmanship.
Yes, it was a collective effort of an entire race. THE WHITE RACE!! And with SACRIFICE and DEDICATION we won that long fought war for the supremacy of the land we now live upon. Once more we hear the call to pick up our rifles and fight against the new savages of the insane 21st Century. For once more our lands are threatened by vile scum that must be exterminated!!
So remember and honor those who gave their all for the lands you live upon. Remember their sacrifices and heed them. Gather guns and ammo, train and network with fellow White Racial Loyalists, and be ready. Ready to fight our race’s enemies and spill their blood until none is left to spill!! And look forward to our new West Victory Day.
Rev. Hardy Lloyd, PM
December 30, 50 AC Festum Album Day Five - Memoria/Memorial
RAHOWA, my White Brothers and Sisters!
Welcome to Day Five of Festum Album 50 AC, where we celebrate the sacrifices that Whites have made throughout history for the honor of saving their beloved race. Today we light a white candle and give respect to such individuals such as Queen Isabella, Adolf Hitler, Catherine the Great, George Lincoln Rockwell and Ben Klassen. White men and women who lead the fight against those who sought to enslave and murder us. So today let us remember them.
“In this day of Memorial, we commemorate and remember the memory of those selfless individuals, soldiers, heroes and statesmen who devoted their lives to the defense and advancement of our people and territory. We honor their sacrifice and strive to follow their heroic example. We also pay homage to those countless individuals who fell victim to the enemies of our people. Their tragic deaths shall never be forgotten and shall not go unavenged.”
I'd like to talk about something both past and present. And that is mud supremacists invading White Lands and targeting White People specifically. As with Spain during the latter years of the Dark Age and the beginning of the Renaissance, Queen Isabella lead the forces of White Iberia to reclaim Spain from the mud horde who sought to race mix Spaniards into Moslem slaves. She, along with Vlad of Romania, drove back the nigger, the Turk and the Arab to free Mother Europa from an even worse Dark Age than that of christ-insanity!! Just as 1000 years before that Germans and Romans stood together to turn back the Asiatic Huns.
And as with Europe so long ago we see today in Amerika, Argentina, Britain, France and Italy the same scum flooding into our indigenous homelands. Flooding in to usurp, enslave and ultimately to murder all Whites. And just as Spain's and Romania's Noble and Holy Whites did 500 years ago, todays Whites must also sacrifice in order to win the day. And only through submission to CREATIVITY can we drive out the vile filth of today as we did then.
It seems that every century, every decade these days, we have a new foe to face and defeat. But today we have one constant enemy that is aiding the jews and their mud slaves. And that is race betrayal!! Whites who hate themselves, or worse, who haven't the balls to face the truth. Whites who embrace christ-insanity and support right-wing nationalism and Zionism. Whites who think that being pro Amerika equals being pro-White, even though Amerika waged war against the White Third Reich. Yes, we have a White problem today.
But brainwashed and hoodwinked Whites aren't the only issue. For within White Racial Loyalist circles we have another enemy; division!! We seem to attack each other more than the actual enemy.
Yeah, I know, I am also guilty of this. But at least I'm attacking people for not being pro violence. I slander those who slander Creativity. I'm not bashing fellow WRLs who know that NASA faked the Moon “landing”. Nor do I claim that anyone who doesn't believe that Hitler was a supposed Catholic is a nigger lover. Unlike two groups I can think of. But I digress...
For Whites today are facing the final years when the RAHOWA, the White Man's Jihad, will be finally decided. And just as Whites came together before, regardless of religion or tribe to defeat mud invaders, Whites MUST unite again to save the entire race!! Let the examples of past White Unity show us the way. Or else all is lost, people.
Not all of Spain's Renaissance Men supported the Catholic-Insaners, yet they united to fight side by side against the muds. And the Third Reich had many a Nordicist asshole who mistook Hitler's speeches of Aryan superiority to mean that non-Nordics were less. Yet the Waffen SS had members and whole divisions from some of the most non-Nordic nations in Europe. And many a nobleman in Vlad's Slavic kingdom, which was more of a federation, didn't like his style or tactics. Yet they followed him none the less. For only extreme violence and terrorism win wars, people!!
It behooves us to look to our race's past examples and fight with the same tactics that won all those times throughout the centuries. Terror tactics and a united front have ALWAYS WON wars. And so let us look to those who gave their all so many years ago as our examples today. For a race that ignores its past is doomed to fall by its failures.
And so on this day of MEMORIAL, when we look to those who DID give their all, let us follow their example. Let us forget our own security and comfort for a change and sacrifice for the Whites to come in another 500 years. Let us SUBMIT to our Holy Creed of CREATIVITY. Let us STOP being safe and secure and instead seek out hardship and pain. Let us stop living the Walmart life of more STUFF and PLENTY, and instead seek out Martyrdom. For a people who sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither!!
I am so sick and tired of hearing people tell me that they don't want to go to prison or die for our Holy White Race. People that actively avoid prison and death are cowards. COWARDS!! All of you who avoid hardship are scum. Pain is a blessing, for it tells you that you CAN TAKE IT. Persecution is a blessing, for it shows the world that you CAN TAKE THE WORST that our enemies throw at us. And Martyrdom is a blessing, for it shows the jews that they have NO POWER OVER YOU.
So seek out hardships and overcome them. Show the jews and race-traitors that they have ZERO POWER OVER YOU, my White Brothers and Sisters. Do not avoid pain, but instead control your reaction to it. And smile when persecuted by this insane JEW society, for it means you are the normal one.
Remember, my White Brothers and Sisters, that White warriors years ago faced worse hardships. You think going to prison in modern Amerika is terrifying? Just look at what happened to the Germans in 1945!! Want to see real pain? Look at what befell Whites under the jewish Bolsheviks in the Soviet Union and eastern Europe. Now THAT was real pain!! Remember their sacrifices and hardships and take on today's ills with head held high and a whistle upon your lips. For to shy away from today's hardships is to spit on your Holy Ancestors. It is to belittle their suffering, their sacrifices. It is to dishonor their sacred memory.
So on this Holy Day of MEMORIAL let us raise a glass to those who truly suffered, and to those who currently suffer. For there is a whole world out there of Reverend Lloyds, Costellos and Hales as well as David Lanes and Richard Scutaris. May we NEVER FORGET Holy Martyrs such as Robert Mathews, Joseph Paul Franklin, Brian Kozel and Ben “August” Smith.
Remember all who have and who are suffering. Remember us and seek to add your own sacrifice to your People. For unless we are willing to actively seek pain and sacrifice, well, then we no longer deserve to be alive.
For only in submission to the future of a Free White Race, whether through Creativity, Christian Identity, Odinism, National Socialism or as a plain White Power Lone Wolf fighter, can we once more reclaim our rightful place on the Earth!!
Light tonight’s candle and remember those who suffered pain for our Holy White People. Remember them and ask yourself; what will I sacrifice, how can I suffer for the future generations of my People?!?
Remember, my White Brothers and Sisters, there is no freedom without sacrifice, and there is no White Race without suffering. So suffer a little and rejoice in it. For those who suffer are truly worthy of our memory and of our honor.
Happy Festum Album!!
Rev. Hardy Lloyd, PM
December 31, 50 AC Festum Album Day Five - Lex/Law
RAHOWA, my White Brothers and Sisters!
Today is the sixth day of our beloved holiday of Festum Album. Today we celebrate LAW, or LEX in Latin. Tonight we focus on Nature's Eternal Laws that guide our Holy Faith of Creativity. We recognize that as Creators we believe in a civilized society founded upon both law and rights. Rights won through service and hard work, and NOT just given without doing one's duty. We also recognize that no one has rights without fighting for them.
As we light the white candle for Law we reflect upon the continued need to submit to CREATIVITY and fight against the anti-White forces of tyranny.
“In this day of Law, we admire the Eternal Laws of Nature. We recognize that these laws are immutable and that to disobey them is to engage in the folly of self-destruction. We pledge to live our lives according to the principles and commandments of our Holy Faith, CREATIVITY, for only by following them is our racial salvation and destiny assured.”
Unlike right-wing retards who, besides sucking off their jewish masters, believe that rights come from some piece of paper or some mythical sky daddy, we Creators know that all rights are won with brute force. That real laws come from Mother Nature. And that only CREATIVITY gives to us Nature's Eternal Laws in plain black and white English. The great gift given by the greatest man to ever live, Ben Klassen!!
Yet today we see to many Whites, like me, James Costello and Matt Hale, stripped of their rights because we all became complacent in false hope and lies. We lost our “Constitutionally Guaranteed Rights” to the jewish forces of globalism and political correctness. Being victims to the lies that countries like America and England are founded upon rights and laws that protect those “rights.” Or the Christ-tard lie that some mythical deity protects them.
Yes, my White Brothers and Sisters, rights come to those who stand up and take them, and laws only come from Nature Herself. The laws are the instincts within your mind. Those little voices that say, “Stop, do not date a nigger!”, or “Stop, fire will burn you!” And the only rights we are guaranteed are those that we take and hold with a gun in one hand and a bomb in the other. For only a strong people who follow the instincts Evolution ingrained into our DNA through hundreds of thousands of years of death and war are a Free people!!
The Founders of America fought as terrorists possessed in their war to MAKE Rights a right. For no one gave them rights that they themselves did not take through violence!! They rose up against the duly constituted, legal authority of the British State. They rose up and used terror, barbarity and madness to win the Freedoms so denied to them by jewish controlled governments. They won their rights by being more violent and extreme than the jew controlled Brits.
Yet today we hear White people, even self-professed White Racial Loyalists, telling their fellow oppressed Whites to “Be legal, for all will work out in 100 years through voting”, and other such insane nonsense. Where and when in history did ANY PEOPLE win Freedom and Rights by voting or being patient?
It is utter madness to believe that being “legal” or “voting” will win us anything but a laugh. Look at me. I was 100% legal and I still got kidnapped by the vile racist FBI cartel, who violated their own Constitution to do it. Look at Matt Hale. He was more legal than Mr. Rogers!! In fact, Matt was so legal that it sometimes pissed me off, being the diehard Lone Wolf promoter I am. But he was legal and followed the laws of the Constitution as I did. Even Matt was done dirty by the hypocritical and bigoted Jewdicial System!! And James Costello? Even though he and I disagree on many things, I must take my hat off to him for standing up to the anti-Free Speech laws of the draconian UK.
Rights and Freedoms are NEVER guaranteed by some 247 year old parchment, folks. Rights and Freedoms are won through hardcore violence and the sacrifices of the radical few against the tyranny of the many!! And that is why we CREATORS are so feared by the Jews and their shabbos goy FBI stooges. Because we ARE THE RADICAL FEW!! We have a militant Creed that tells us to sacrifice and embrace the pain of hardship for the Rights to be won by those who come after us. And that is what ALL WHITES should believe.
But sad to say only the radical few CREATORS, Skinheads and old-school White Racial Loyalists see Rights this way. Most just want to play it safe. I guess they think some spook with a long, white beard or a hammer or a pirate eye patch or a hippie with holes in his hands will save them? Madness!
Harsh words from me to be sure. But if a majority of true WRLs do not start embracing submission to a Hardcore Creed and the pain of sacrifice, well, we are truly doomed to slavery and death, folks. For no peoples EVER stayed alive and free via prayer or DIEmocracy or anything but violent terror tactics. No!! Freedom and Rights are won only by sacrificing ones safety, one’s own personal freedoms, one’s own life for something greater than themselves. Are you not willing to sacrifice your transient life for the eternity of our people?!?
Look to me as an example. I am back in the concentration camp system, the JOG Gulag, AGAIN, because I refuse to bow my head to tyranny!! Another 6.5 years to do having already done 12. I embrace my pain and suffering with a smile upon my face and my head held high. For I know that I am doing my duty for my Race and Religion. For CREATIVITY demands submission to our Holy and Sacred White Race, and I give it willingly. Even happily!! For I know that we shall win the RAHOWA through Faith in sacrifice and action in submission. We shall win the White Man's Jihad because we ARE WILLING TO SUFFER PAIN AND TO SACRIFICE OUR FREEDOMS FOR THOSE WHITES TO COME!!
And shame on any so-called White Racial Loyalist who does NOT do likewise. For Freedom means NOTHING without the desire to sacrifice freedom for it. Or else Freedom is as meaningless as so many injections of heroin, or a marriage without love. Meaning for something comes only from the amount of yourself you put into it. So put yourself into it, White People!!
So look to the militancy of CREATIVITY, my fellow White Brothers and Sisters. Look to us CREATORS as the finest example of devotion to our shared White Race. Look to our Muslim-like submission to our Holy Creed for inspiration. Seek power for your own efforts from my own pain and imprisonment. Read the Holy and Wise words of the greatest man to ever live. A man who just knew what we as Whites have to do. Look to BEN KLASSEN and his greatest works, Nature’s Eternal Religion and The White Man’s Bible, for the strength to combat the evils of the jewish world. Find your power in the power of our militant Faith of selfless devotion. Find it and embrace your true self.
For in submission to CREATIVITY, submission to something more than just your own comfort, you will find the strength to defeat the wicked and the vile. For only through submission and sacrifice and pain can Whites, ALL WHITES, win this Racial Holy War.
Happy Festum Album!!
Rev. Hardy Lloyd, PM
January 1, 50 AC Festum Album Day Seven - Puritas/Purity
RAHOWA, my White Brothers and Sisters!
On this seventh and final day of Festum Album in the 50th year of our beloved religion, Creativity, we celebrate the Purity of our Blood. Our HOLY Blood!! A blood so pure, so creative, so sacred that we are honor bound to protect it above all things in this world. Even to sacrifice our freedom and lives for its preservation. This sacred, holy blood was honed over hundreds of thousands of years of evolution to become the sole creator of all worthwhile civilization and culture.
So let us light the red candle and rededicate ourselves to preserving the DNA of Nature’s Finest Creation.
“In this day of Purity, we commit ourselves to maintaining the sanctity of our sacred bloodlines, the source of our creative force. Through the lessons of history, we recognize that the sin of miscegenation brought about the fall of every great civilization. By protecting the purity of our blood, we honor the legacy of our ancestors and ensure the future of our descendants. We understand that during our lifetime, we are entrusted with the golden link in this eternal chain of life. By protecting our blood, we protect the Divine of man.”
After millions of years of evolution Nature created the one true Master Race; The Holy White Race. Created us to be the CREATORS of art, philosophy, civilization, all that makes a society a society. Nature chose us to be the great architects, builders and artists of the Earth. She refined our instincts, our creative abilities so that we would build the Pyramids and the Parthenon, paint the Mona Lisa, and spread poetry and music the world over. She chose us because we showed Her that we could take all the hardships She threw at us. Harsh icy realms and hostile Neanderthals. A world that demanded evolution of the creative mind. And we Whites showed Her we could evolve to meet these demands.
She set us down in the harshness of the barren landscape of Ice Age Europa. A snowy land that told us EVOLVE OR DIE!! And we did evolve. We grew our minds to think and ponder and ask serious questions. We became creative because we rose to the challenge. We evolved!!
But without a PURE Racial Creed there can be no PURITY of Race. For a people without a sacred creed can have no sacred blood. And with CREATIVITY we have the ultimate Racial Creed for our Holy Race. And so we CREATORS are truly worthy of Mother Nature's ancient demand to EVOLVE OR DIE. For the CREED of our Holy Religion demands we keep the PURITY of our Holy Blood!!
It is a sad thing to see in today's screwed up, jewish controlled world so many Whites who are unwilling to sacrifice for their race. Whites today seek not a Sacred Creed to follow, but instead an easy life full of materialistic comforts. Comforts that truly DO NOT MATTER!! And yet they feel at “peace” with them. They even will fight back against their own neighbor who tries to wake them up to their slumbering brain.
Yes, modern Whites for the most part are worthless, brain-dead losers who are not worth saving. You heard me right, my White Brothers and Sisters, for any White who is not willing to sacrifice for their race is NOT deserving to be a member of the greatest race to EVER walk the Earth!! For Nature demands that all creatures within a species breed, fight, kill and die for their own kind. And the race that ignores this plain, simple truth is undeserving to be alive, and those creatures within it undeserving of life!
For us Creators the path is clearly set in stone. Thanks to our Holy Founder, Ben Klassen, the greatest man to ever live, we have a Creed written in plain black and white English that spells out the only truth we need. For Creativity is the ONLY PATH for the White Race to walk. Two roads diverged in the woods, and I, I took the path marked CREATIVITY, and that has made all the difference!!
Creativity’s total reason for being is to safeguard the PURITY of our Holy and Sacred Blood. Klassen founded our Religion to guide for all time the one true path that ALL WHITE PEOPLE are to walk. He gave us the ultimate pure creed to protect the ultimate Race. And without the PURITY of CREATIVITY there can be no PURITY of RACE!!
Creativity not only gives Whites the Purity of Creed, but it also gives unity to ALL WHITES regardless of ethnicity, nationality and/or bloodline. Creativity accepts all White People no matter from where, when or how they come. White Slavs and White Latinos are just as welcome as White Nordics and White Celtics. For in Creativity we see all Whites as being of Mother Europa. All Whites are our Brothers and Sisters. For a race divided is a race dead!!
It brings tears to my eyes when I see these Nordicist faggots outright rejecting White Latinos and White Slavs. Slavs and Latinos make up half of the White Race. Are these Nordicist assholes closet Jews or what, people?! Hell, 100 years ago these same Anglophiles rejected White Celts!! Now how fucked up is that bollocks?!
So, if we are truly serious about protecting the Holy and Sacred Blood of our PURE RACE, why don't we put aside all the division and be a united force that is willing, even eager, to suffer and sacrifice for the future generations not yet born of our wonderful White Race!?! Let us follow the examples of Holy Martyrs Ben “August” Smith, Brian Kozel and Robert Mathews. Let us fight back against the anti-White HATE we face daily. Let us endure pain today so that our great-great grandchildren of tomorrow can live as Mother Nature intended our People to live.
Let us be the Übermensch that Evolution turned us into 200,000 years ago. Let us be the Angry Tigers our Holy Founder, Ben Klassen, told us to be!! For a race that does not fight under a creed is a race that does not truly fight at all. As I said before, my White Brothers and Sisters, without PURITY of Creed there can no PURITY of Race. So, let us unite as ONE RACE and fight by ONE CREED. Let us make sure that the PURITY of our BLOOD stays PURE!!
And for the Whites out there who fight under a banner different from ours, well, so long as you actually FIGHT, who gives a toss what you believe in?! Let us, all of us White Racial Loyalists, be the White Übermensch that wiped out the Neanderthals and conquered Europe so long ago. Let our Forefathers of the Ice Age be our guides. Let us follow their wise example. Let us be ANGRY TIGERS!!
Happy Festum Album!!
Rev. Hardy Lloyd, PM
April 20, 51 AC Sermon #13 - Hitler's Birthday
Below is a sermon that Reverend Lloyd wrote for Hitler's birthday that arrived very late. Communications with him are very difficult at this time and only through the mail. You can write him at the address below. Even anonymous letters and cards are appreciated. If you provide a return address, expect that it will take over a month to get a response from him.
Hardy Lloyd
FCI Hazelton
PO Box 5000
Bruceton Mills, WV 26525
RAHOWA, my White Brothers and Sisters!
Happy Fuhrer Tag! I hope all is well in our Racial Nation. I am doing so-so. Which isn’t saying much…lol, but I’m held aloft by our Holy Creed. For it is through Creativity that we will prevail! The JOG may think we are nothing but insects, but our Holy Religion is a weapon they can never defeat and so we shall be victorious!
Sitting here in prison, I am often reminded of Adolf Hitler and George Lincoln Rockwell and how they too were persecuted by our shared enemies. I have been kidnapped 12 times now, Rockwell was arrested at least 2-3 dozen to be sure. And what about Hess? Held for 46 years for his faith in National Socialism. 46 bloody years, my Brothers and Sisters!! And yet we have all prevailed in our faith in White Racial Loyalty. Matt Hale is likewise sitting in a JOG gulag, same as me, as I am sure are countless more of our White Racial Comrades. Tortured for their devotion to our people, yet nothing can break the White Spirit!!
Creativity talks about this spirit. We call it the essence of the White Racial Soul. That spark that evolution grew within us over 200,000 years of Ice Age hardship. Well, prison is just another hardship to yoke strength from. In fact, any hardship can be turned into a source of powerful and positive change. Hardship that fans that spark into a roaring flame! An unstoppable Life Force from Mother Nature to Her chosen race, us!
Hitler knew this and used it to bring about the greatest nation on Earth since the Roman Empire. He yoked its power, fed off its essence, and gave White people a land where for 12 years they were not a slave.
Now we have Creativity. A religion that shall deliver one million years of freedom!! And through our Holy Faith, along with the essence of our Holy Racial Blood, we shall take our glorious White Race to heights even Hitler could not have imagined. For it is by our Creed, and the willingness to suffer for that Creed, that gives us our true and full racial strength.
On this day we celebrate one of the two greatest White men to ever live. Adolf Hitler who took the first steps to achieving freedom for our beloved White Race, and Ben Klassen who finished what he started in an ideological sense. We owe both men our veneration. And we also owe ALL our Brothers and Sisters who suffer for our people our gratitude. For it is only through suffering for what you truly love that gives all of us the strength to battle on.
And so give thanks to both of these great men on this day. Watch Triumph of the Will or David Irving’s Hitler’s War and give thanks and praise. And don’t forget to remember our Brothers and Sisters who suffer inside JOG’s gulags. For it is through their example that we shall prevail and win this Racial Holy War.
Rev. Hardy Lloyd, PM
Message from Reverend Lloyd - January 21, 51 AC.
Greetings from JOG's Gulag, my White Brothers and Sisters!
Well, just wanted to say that the fires in Cali are mostly hitting rich scum and anti-White bigots. Do not feel ANY sympathy for these vermin. Our sympathy must remain steadfast for our own. For Creator and Infidel alike, all White Racial Loyalists are in this boat together. The life raft of our White Race. Therefore, remain strong and resolute, my Brothers and Sisters, for we are Nature's Finest, the CREATORS of ALL worthwhile civilization and culture. We must remain true to the Holy Teachings of CREATIVITY and BEN KLASSEN so that our future generations grow up in a Whiter and Brighter world.
So do not despair when times get tough. No tears when the season is bleakest. Instead be as our Holy Founder, BEN KLASSEN, directs us to be, AS ANGRY TIGERS!! Tigers that obey no order but our own. Tigers who fight back against evil and oppression, no matter the cost, no matter the hardship. Tigers who shall one day win this Racial Holy War!
And as far as the inauguration goes, a Right-Wing Shabbos goy is only slightly less of a douche than a Left-Wing Shabbos goy. Donald Trump may go off script, and the jews may not like some of what he does, but at the end of the day he is just a rich man whose daughter married a jew. Stop this Trump infatuation. BE WHITE, DAMNIT!! And for Natures's sake, stop this Right-Wing leaning crap. We are White Racial Loyalists, NOT capitalistic, kosher Republican ne'er-do-wells.
Rev. Hardy Lloyd, PM
Church of Ben Klassen
February 20 & 21, 52 AC Sermon #14 - Klassen Day and Founding Day
Happy Klassen Day! Happy Founding Day!
RAHOWA, My White Brothers and Sisters!
Well, it has been a while since I last wrote a sermon, my Brothers and Sisters. The JOG has tried to censor me to no end. However, the Spirit of Creativity shall NEVER be dulled nor tempered. We march as one people to one beat. As a result we shall never be defeated!! So thanks again to the few, the radicalized few, who obey no order but our Holy Founder’s, for all of your support. And to those who are “Sunshine Comrades” well, you shall fall by the wayside.
This February we celebrate four holidays. Two being the most sacred, for us Creators: Klassen Day and Founding Day, as well as New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day. Yes, this 20th and 21st is a great celebration of our Faith and our perpetual spirit. For not only are we celebrating the birth of our Holy Religion, and the birth of the new year, we are also recognizing that Ben Klassen’s great vision of a Whiter and Brighter World, is one year closer to being achieved. Even if Creativity and the Church of Ben Klassen only had 10 followers we would still achieve that sacred victory he prophesied in Nature’s Eternal Religion, Book II, Chapter 28 - Our Brilliant Future. For Creativity is the fabric of Nature and the Cosmos, and one cannot go against the word of Mother Nature!
And so on these two most sacred days we Creators look forward to the future with a smile upon our lips and a twinkle in our eyes. For we, The Blessed, we know that in the end we SHALL be victorious. Our victory, not just prophesied by our Holy Founder, but also sanctioned by Mother Nature Herself is a victory that is inevitable; inevitable through our individual sacrifices and our collective action against the enemies of Freedom and our Holy Race. And that is another reason we smile this day, as we know the jews fear and hate our Holy Faith with all the powers they can muster against us. And in spite of these powers and their strength, in spite of their HATE and their BIGOTRY, we shall go from victory to victory, endless triumphs through our sacrifices and martyrdom. For we are The Blessed, and because we know that their defeat is assured and our victory is the only outcome.
As I always say, my Brothers and Sisters, it is a privilege to suffer. And suffer we all do. Whether it be our freedom, as it is with me and Reverend Matt Hale, twin victims of anti-religious bigotry, or the loss of one’s job by a cold hearted boss, or having to live homeless or paycheck to paycheck, we all suffer for our Holy Faith. And because we suffer we know we shall win. For in suffering we not only prove our mettle, we also show these scum that we shall never give up, never surrender, never stop, never falter and never fail in our Founder’s Holy vision of the better world to come. Ben Klassen not only foretold our inevitable victory, he also gave us the tool to achieve that goal; the ultimate tool, our Holy Faith, CREATIVITY. Never forget that my comrades, and never allow anyone to slander that tool. For those, especially White Racial Loyalists, who reject Creativity are the lowest of the low. But just as they reject the splendor of suffering, just as they reject those who DO suffer for our people, so do we reject them. For suffering is the ONLY measure of a man’s wealth. And the more you suffer and sacrifice for our people the greater your glory shall be.
But what are we truly celebrating on Klassen Day and Founding Day? We know what New Year’s Eve and Day are; the beginning of the new Creativity year. But what does it mean to honor our Holy Founder of Creativity and the Holy Prophet of Our Brilliant Future? Is it just a day marking the beginning of the 52nd year of Anno de Creativitat (Year of Creativity)? Is it simply a man’s birthday? No, my Brothers and Sisters, it is not just a simple marking of days, but is instead the remembrance of two of the greatest days in White history. For Ben Klassen was the greatest Man to ever live, and what he founded in 1973 CE is the ultimate Creed and Program for the Survival, Expansion and Advancement of the European Species. What Klassen did far exceeds what other men accomplished. He achieved what even Adolf Hitler could not do. He created a religion truly of, by and for the White Race exclusively. That is what we are celebrating on these two Holy days, my fellow Creators. We are celebrating what it truly means to be alive and White.
Let us take a few minutes to look at this greatest of men to ever live. He, far more than Hitler, Rockwell or anyone for that matter, took 55 years of life experience and saw what no other could see. He envisioned what escaped so many before him. He took those 55 years of life experience and knew that what our people needed was a racial religion of their own. Not some spookish rehash of Odinism or some jew created religion where Whites worship a fucking kike zombie. No, my Brothers and Sisters, he crafted a truly remarkable religion based on the experience of the entire White Race, and mixed in science, logic and common sense. What Klassen created shone a giant spotlight on all that is wrong with christ-insanity and odin-insanity. He proved that our people need none of that supernatural hogwash, but rather a creed whose principles and values are based on the observed Laws of Nature and reality. He showed that what we need comes from within ourselves; that what we lacked was truly simple and all around us. That our own instincts and common sense experiences were the blueprint that will ultimately save the White Race from enslavement and death. And for that we MUST honor the greatest of our people.
And what of our Holy Creed that we specifically honor on Founding Day? What more can I say except that it is our Race. Creativity IS the White Race!! And so we celebrate both of these days not just in honor of our religion and the man who created it, but also for who we are as White individuals and as a collective species. We celebrate what means it to be White with our adherence to Creativity. For we ARE Creativity and Creativity is US. And billions of years of history and billions of White Ancestors who came before us paved the road that Klassen trod upon in order to give us our Holy Creed. So we must celebrate today. We must celebrate ourselves, our race, and Nature itself. For Creativity is the very fabric that created the life force we follow, we feel, we live, we are and we honor. And THAT is why we celebrate these two glorious days.
So, my fellow Creators, Hail Ben Klassen and Hail Creativity, and light off a few fireworks this February and give thanks to the man who gave us the ultimate Creed which we follow this day. The ultimate Creed that spells out in very plain black and white English our true purpose in life. A purpose free from spookist fairy tales. A purpose that holds the atoms together, that breathes life into a newborn baby’s lungs, that gives warmth from the Sun and darkness to the night…a purpose that is Nature and Life itself. And if we do celebrate this greatest of Men and this greatest of Creeds, then we shall truly win this Racial Holy War.
Reverend Hardy Lloyd, PM