A true timeline of our Race's history - By Rev. Hardy Lloyd
The following is based upon decades of research on my part to accurately map our Peoples true history from ancient times to the beginnings of the more recent past. All dates are my own and are based upon a logical, and in most cases, accurate dating. I have blended my own findings with that of Graham Hancock and others. But this timeline is of my own creation, and is as accurate as we can possibly be. This is the latest edition as of 21st Feb. 2022....
NOTE ON DNA: White people have an ape DNA percentage ranging from 0.0%-0.5%, while the mud people have 3%-8%, and niggers from 5%-12%. Depending on the study sighted. More evidence that White's stand at the pinnacle of evolution and are the Master Race.
15,000,000,000 circa BCE - Our Universe is formed either through a natural evolutionary path, or via a static model. The so-called 'Big Bang' is a myth.
4,600,000,000 circa BCE - Earth is Formed.
Sometime between 12,000,000 to 5,000,000 circa BCE – the chimpanzee-to-humanoid split begins.
Between 5,000,000 to 3,500,000 circa BCE - Negroids evolve and then stagnate as semi-evolved Ape-men, or Simians.
3,500,000 circa BCE - stone tools were made by ancient hominids.
1,500,000circa BCE - Homo Erectus were making use of fire.
Between 1,500,000 to 300,000 circa BCE - The other Simian races, or mud people, evolve. Some advance past the Stone-Age level of the Negro, others quickly stagnate.
150,000 circa BCE - White People, also referred to as Homo Sapiens (Cro-Magnon in European books) or Humans, came into existence in Europe and the lands bordering the Mediterranean.
Between 150,000 to 100,000 circa BCE - Whites go from Hunter-Gatherers and cave dwellers to forming early City-States in the southern European regions, mostly Spain, southern France and Greater Greece. Large homes with hearths and smelting of metals and jewelry become more common. Plant and animal domestication takes place. Early government and trade with other settlements takes place as well. It took Whites only 50,000 years to go from Stone-Age cave-men to a civilization. Contrast this with the mud people who either stayed at the Stone-Age level, or who took hundreds of thousands of years to advance!!
Between 150,000 to 100,000 circa BCE - Whites migrate to Suid Afrika.
100,000 circa BCE - Whites lived on the coast of Suid Afrika, and were using red ocher and drilling shells.
Between 100,000 to 30,000 circa BCE - Whites migrate throughout the Earth.
Between 100,000 to 30,000 circa BCE - The first great Race War took place between Whites and the Simian races. Whites managed to exterminate several enemy species such as the Neanderthals in Europa, the so-called Homo Hobbits of southeast Asia, and one or more Negroid races in north Afrika.
40,000 circa BCE - Statues, jewels, pottery, metal tools and weapons are produced in Europe, and European style paintings created in Indonesia.
40,000 circa BCE (By my figures 36,866 BCE) - Whites evolve into a Demigod state with advanced ESP abilities. The Osirian, The Sphinx, The Sphinx and Valley Temples are built in Egypt. There is some debate on whether we FULLY built the Pyramids in the Giza plateau during this time or in 10,450 BCE? We also built the structures in Machu Picchu and Tiwanaku in 40,000 circa BCE.
Between 18,000 to 13,000 circa BCE - The Last Glacial maximum was reached in the Northern Hemisphere and the climate began warming up. Sea levels began to slowly rise up from their minimum levels of 122 meters/400 feet below present day resulting in the flooding the World’s coastal zones.
12,000 circa BCE - There was a melt-water pulse and seawater levels rose relatively quickly by 40 meters/130 feet. This could be the event within human memory that gave rise to Flood myths around the world as coastal lands that were previously occupied became flooded.
10,800 circa BCE - The Younger Dryas geological period began ending 10,000 years of gradual global warming since the end of the last glacial maximum. This could be the result of a comet hitting the Laruentide Ice sheet and a catastrophic melting of the 3.2 km/2 mi thick layer of ice. This would have been sufficient to shut down the thermohaline global ocean circulation resulting in global cooling. There is evidence that this circulation was weaker during this time period. Researchers have found nanodiamonds in the sediments of this period. They could only have been produced at that time by the high temperatures resulting from a extraterrestrial impact event. And this beginning of the Younger Dryas period is roughly the time of extinction of the megafauna in North America.
Between 10,800 to 9,600 circa BCE - The Younger Dryas; global temperatures declined by about 5 °C/10 °F. There are indications that the mean annual temperature in the UK during this period was only −5 °C/23 °F. The cool climate lasts about 1,000 years.
10,450 BCE - With world-wide flooding and volcanic activity, Whites build a series of ANCIENT MONUMENTS to record their legacy for future generations. We construct the Great Pyramids in the Giza plateau, using them to mark the date in stone by aligning them to the stars above in that era. We also build various other ancient monuments around the world, also aligned to the stars above as they would appear in 10,450 BCE. Most notable are the following: Egypt, the Balkans, southeast Asia, and Mexico and South Amerika in what is wrongly referred to as the 'Aztecs', 'Incas', 'Maya' and 'Olmecs'.... For historical reference, when the Spaniards arrived in the New World, they saw the ancient cities and asked the Incas and Aztecs if they had built them? Their reply was to laugh and say; 'Oh, we did not build these. Your people, long ago, did when you arrived in your mighty ships from the Eastern Sea.'....
9,600 circa BCE - The Younger Dryas period ends and the climate begins too warm again. Some suggest that a second impact with the comet, or its remaining debris field, somewhere into the ocean results in a greenhouse effect, global warming and the reestablishment of global warming and the thermohaline circulation.
9600 BCE - Construction of Gobekli Tepe in Asia-minor. This was to mark the end of the great cataclysm that had nearly destroyed the Great White Civilization. Also, work on the 'most important' levels of the Gunung Padang megalithic site are initiated. This is also the date reported by the Ancient Egyptians/ Solon/Plato for the loss of Atlantis. Survivors travel to South America, Indonesia and Turkey. The survivors carried with them the technology for megalithic constructions and the foundations of farming and metalworking.
9600 BCE - The city of Troy is founded as the first metropolis of the post-apocalyptic era. This is followed by foundation of Minoa on Crete.
9600 circa BCE - Ancient Whites create the Amazonian jungle as a giant, living filter to help clean the Earth after the great downfall.
Between 9600 to 7500 circa BCE - Re-settlement of ancient White lands in Crete, Greater Greece, Egypt, Asia-Minor, Spain, the Italian peninsula, Central and South Amerika, India, China, and Japan.
9,000 circa BCE - Initial stone posts established at Stonehenge.
5500 circa BCE - Re-founding of White Egypt.
4000 circa BCE - Second global cataclysm and restart.
Between 3500 to 2900 circa BCE - The 'modern' day Ancient Civilizations of White origin restart in Sumer, India, China, Japan, Egypt, Greece and Asia-Minor.
Between 3300 to 3100 BCE - Menes unites White Egypt into one racial nation.
2,600 circa BCE - Large stones are installed at Stonehenge.
Between 1600 to 1400 circa BCE - Trojan War destroys Troy, and possibly wipes out much of the area's restart. Though the latter is only a guess?
1200 circa BCE - The so-called 'archaic' Greek era ends with a localized cataclysm. This destruction wipes out the restart of 9600 BCE.
1075 BCE - White Egypt falls do to the jews and race-mixing.
800 circa BCE - Greece rises up in a Golden Age after Troy's death.
753 BCE - Helenics found the city state of Rome.
The following is based upon decades of research on my part to accurately map our Peoples true history from ancient times to the beginnings of the more recent past. All dates are my own and are based upon a logical, and in most cases, accurate dating. I have blended my own findings with that of Graham Hancock and others. But this timeline is of my own creation, and is as accurate as we can possibly be. This is the latest edition as of 21st Feb. 2022....
NOTE ON DNA: White people have an ape DNA percentage ranging from 0.0%-0.5%, while the mud people have 3%-8%, and niggers from 5%-12%. Depending on the study sighted. More evidence that White's stand at the pinnacle of evolution and are the Master Race.
15,000,000,000 circa BCE - Our Universe is formed either through a natural evolutionary path, or via a static model. The so-called 'Big Bang' is a myth.
4,600,000,000 circa BCE - Earth is Formed.
Sometime between 12,000,000 to 5,000,000 circa BCE – the chimpanzee-to-humanoid split begins.
Between 5,000,000 to 3,500,000 circa BCE - Negroids evolve and then stagnate as semi-evolved Ape-men, or Simians.
3,500,000 circa BCE - stone tools were made by ancient hominids.
1,500,000circa BCE - Homo Erectus were making use of fire.
Between 1,500,000 to 300,000 circa BCE - The other Simian races, or mud people, evolve. Some advance past the Stone-Age level of the Negro, others quickly stagnate.
150,000 circa BCE - White People, also referred to as Homo Sapiens (Cro-Magnon in European books) or Humans, came into existence in Europe and the lands bordering the Mediterranean.
Between 150,000 to 100,000 circa BCE - Whites go from Hunter-Gatherers and cave dwellers to forming early City-States in the southern European regions, mostly Spain, southern France and Greater Greece. Large homes with hearths and smelting of metals and jewelry become more common. Plant and animal domestication takes place. Early government and trade with other settlements takes place as well. It took Whites only 50,000 years to go from Stone-Age cave-men to a civilization. Contrast this with the mud people who either stayed at the Stone-Age level, or who took hundreds of thousands of years to advance!!
Between 150,000 to 100,000 circa BCE - Whites migrate to Suid Afrika.
100,000 circa BCE - Whites lived on the coast of Suid Afrika, and were using red ocher and drilling shells.
Between 100,000 to 30,000 circa BCE - Whites migrate throughout the Earth.
Between 100,000 to 30,000 circa BCE - The first great Race War took place between Whites and the Simian races. Whites managed to exterminate several enemy species such as the Neanderthals in Europa, the so-called Homo Hobbits of southeast Asia, and one or more Negroid races in north Afrika.
40,000 circa BCE - Statues, jewels, pottery, metal tools and weapons are produced in Europe, and European style paintings created in Indonesia.
40,000 circa BCE (By my figures 36,866 BCE) - Whites evolve into a Demigod state with advanced ESP abilities. The Osirian, The Sphinx, The Sphinx and Valley Temples are built in Egypt. There is some debate on whether we FULLY built the Pyramids in the Giza plateau during this time or in 10,450 BCE? We also built the structures in Machu Picchu and Tiwanaku in 40,000 circa BCE.
Between 18,000 to 13,000 circa BCE - The Last Glacial maximum was reached in the Northern Hemisphere and the climate began warming up. Sea levels began to slowly rise up from their minimum levels of 122 meters/400 feet below present day resulting in the flooding the World’s coastal zones.
12,000 circa BCE - There was a melt-water pulse and seawater levels rose relatively quickly by 40 meters/130 feet. This could be the event within human memory that gave rise to Flood myths around the world as coastal lands that were previously occupied became flooded.
10,800 circa BCE - The Younger Dryas geological period began ending 10,000 years of gradual global warming since the end of the last glacial maximum. This could be the result of a comet hitting the Laruentide Ice sheet and a catastrophic melting of the 3.2 km/2 mi thick layer of ice. This would have been sufficient to shut down the thermohaline global ocean circulation resulting in global cooling. There is evidence that this circulation was weaker during this time period. Researchers have found nanodiamonds in the sediments of this period. They could only have been produced at that time by the high temperatures resulting from a extraterrestrial impact event. And this beginning of the Younger Dryas period is roughly the time of extinction of the megafauna in North America.
Between 10,800 to 9,600 circa BCE - The Younger Dryas; global temperatures declined by about 5 °C/10 °F. There are indications that the mean annual temperature in the UK during this period was only −5 °C/23 °F. The cool climate lasts about 1,000 years.
10,450 BCE - With world-wide flooding and volcanic activity, Whites build a series of ANCIENT MONUMENTS to record their legacy for future generations. We construct the Great Pyramids in the Giza plateau, using them to mark the date in stone by aligning them to the stars above in that era. We also build various other ancient monuments around the world, also aligned to the stars above as they would appear in 10,450 BCE. Most notable are the following: Egypt, the Balkans, southeast Asia, and Mexico and South Amerika in what is wrongly referred to as the 'Aztecs', 'Incas', 'Maya' and 'Olmecs'.... For historical reference, when the Spaniards arrived in the New World, they saw the ancient cities and asked the Incas and Aztecs if they had built them? Their reply was to laugh and say; 'Oh, we did not build these. Your people, long ago, did when you arrived in your mighty ships from the Eastern Sea.'....
9,600 circa BCE - The Younger Dryas period ends and the climate begins too warm again. Some suggest that a second impact with the comet, or its remaining debris field, somewhere into the ocean results in a greenhouse effect, global warming and the reestablishment of global warming and the thermohaline circulation.
9600 BCE - Construction of Gobekli Tepe in Asia-minor. This was to mark the end of the great cataclysm that had nearly destroyed the Great White Civilization. Also, work on the 'most important' levels of the Gunung Padang megalithic site are initiated. This is also the date reported by the Ancient Egyptians/ Solon/Plato for the loss of Atlantis. Survivors travel to South America, Indonesia and Turkey. The survivors carried with them the technology for megalithic constructions and the foundations of farming and metalworking.
9600 BCE - The city of Troy is founded as the first metropolis of the post-apocalyptic era. This is followed by foundation of Minoa on Crete.
9600 circa BCE - Ancient Whites create the Amazonian jungle as a giant, living filter to help clean the Earth after the great downfall.
Between 9600 to 7500 circa BCE - Re-settlement of ancient White lands in Crete, Greater Greece, Egypt, Asia-Minor, Spain, the Italian peninsula, Central and South Amerika, India, China, and Japan.
9,000 circa BCE - Initial stone posts established at Stonehenge.
5500 circa BCE - Re-founding of White Egypt.
4000 circa BCE - Second global cataclysm and restart.
Between 3500 to 2900 circa BCE - The 'modern' day Ancient Civilizations of White origin restart in Sumer, India, China, Japan, Egypt, Greece and Asia-Minor.
Between 3300 to 3100 BCE - Menes unites White Egypt into one racial nation.
2,600 circa BCE - Large stones are installed at Stonehenge.
Between 1600 to 1400 circa BCE - Trojan War destroys Troy, and possibly wipes out much of the area's restart. Though the latter is only a guess?
1200 circa BCE - The so-called 'archaic' Greek era ends with a localized cataclysm. This destruction wipes out the restart of 9600 BCE.
1075 BCE - White Egypt falls do to the jews and race-mixing.
800 circa BCE - Greece rises up in a Golden Age after Troy's death.
753 BCE - Helenics found the city state of Rome.