We Creators are Working-Class and Damn Proud of it!
This section will focus on our belief that the White Race is a Working-Class race. That a societies strength comes from it's racial identity, it's racial religion, and it's racial work ethic. We are a race of Creators and readers and scholars and warriors and builders.... Intelligence and well read does NOT mean anti-work, and Working-Class does NOT mean dumb. We are White, we are Workers, and we shall honour and support and form our Creativity society on these principles. Racial Socialism, which is a cornerstone of our religion, recognizes that so society can function without a SOCIAL structure, and that no structure can function without WORKERS, and neither of them works without a RACIAL framework. Racial Socialism, the White Working-Class, is what our race and society are all about. And in this section videos, books and essays shall support this view.